For Every Woman: Part 27.5

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Today's Topic: Going through it (Think Brave, Be Brave and Find your Voice)

Hey you all. Trust me I want to get into to writing right now, but this is the end of my first year so school is all up on my behind! Especially because this is my last month.

This semester started off real tough and I didn't really get my momentum back until a week or two ago. Anxiety and stress levels were through the friggin rooftop. So really praying and reading had been what's helped me to get back to normal and I'm so grateful I'm passed that point.

Most of all is the fact that I decided to end at 30 chapters if I can maybe 35, but I've been having some serious writers block and my creativity seems to be on pause. However I managed to get a few topics created but I'm really stuck on where to take it, seeing as I want it to blend with what I have already written. And secondly I don't want to write anything half done. I feel like chapter 27 was half done and I just may revisit and republish it.

However like I said before it's my last month in school for my first year meaning I have deadlines and a exam to take, I've got to pack up all my stuff to move it to my new apartment so I can go back to my home base in England (where my sister is) then prepare for my birthday (which is in two months) then pack to go home home (Turks and Caicos ) for the summer.

So as soon as like April 8 - 10thish comes around or maybe a bit earlier, I can maybe revisit chapter 27 for you all. Also if I'm getting boring say the word and tell me what I can do to improve! I do this for y'all not for myself , I care about your opinion.

✊🏽Now with all that being said, I would  like to leave a word of encouragement with you. Today I got a revelation that a lot of things, that I start to do but do not finish, is because I do not feel brave enough to continue on. Recently I applied for a summer job back home in the field I'm studying in and for a on campus job to be a tutor and student guide in my second year. The thought of me not being good enough and failing to be someone that people would like came to mind, and it really started to bother me. I started to pray about it and I realised that my whole life, my decisions were always affected by that thought of not being good enough because someone was always there saying "this is not for you". True there may be some things that you just simply not like or just don't have the gift for, but never let someone else tell you that! Try it and make that decision on your own. Life is a learning process, we learn everyday and that's what I have to remind myself of.

I'm so serious I've come from a very long way, and that's because I decided I need that make my own choices and follow my heart. I realised that people can say whatever they want, but my willingness to learn and my drive to successful is enough to create a person that no one ever thought I can be. So do not ever be little yourself because of someone's selfish comments. You get up and learn and most especially BE BRAVE to take on anything you put your mind to. In order to get there, we have to push ourselves out of the uncomfortable situation. Notice when you're in a painful position or a uncomfortable area, as soon as you find a way out, as soon as you push yourself out the rubble , you start to feel that relief, that sense of happiness again. It's the same thing with life, think like a brave woman and you will be a brave woman.

Go ahead, fill out that application, that's the first step to being brave. Take risks take chances. God cannot push you to higher places if you don't give him something to work with. Think like your brave, make brave moves and God will reward you with a brave result and a brave heart!

I really did but intend to write all this and basically turn an authors note into a chapter. But sometimes, the little things that we just see as nothing always turns into something when you plant a seed. The whole night/morning I was talking to God and myself about my desires and dreams blossoming into something big and beautiful,but I did not realise it would be something to put in this book. This just goes to show, do not give up on yourself and say "I've lost my voice" because before this I felt like I've lost mine , when it came to this book, and I wasn't gonna write a thing but I just had the urge to do it, now look.

So do not give up my loves! Think Brave, Be Brave and do not stop until you find your voice again! ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊🏻✊🏼

So do not give up my loves! Think Brave, Be Brave and do not stop until you find your voice again! ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊🏻✊🏼

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