For Every Woman Part 18

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Today's Topic: Waiting on the right time.

In part 16, I introduced you to making sacrifices and not being afraid to make them. I also mentioned that when you make sacrifices, the start is not the smoothest process.

At this point, this is where today's topic comes in. When we make our sacrifices, we go through various challenges. We are at the point where we are wondering when will it actually get better, if our work is actually paying off.

The truth is, we will not know unless we wait. Now waiting especially for me at this point is very hard, because I have been so patient my whole life and now I'm at the age where I just want things to happen instantly ,because I'm in my twenties and think I have limited time left lol. But as long as we're on God's time clock, we have to wait because he knows exactly when is the right time for everything.

One of the things that can cause our patience to be triggered, is the pain of disappointment after you've done all you could to avoid failure. The sad truth is, we have to fail in order to succeed. You see failure tests your patience. It makes you question just how strong you are, it makes you question if making the sacrifice was worth it.

When you are in this situation, remember you made this sacrifice in order to reach a certain goal. This goal is inspired by your dream and your passion. And like and I said in part 3, your dreams and passions are apart of Gods plan, it's something God wanted you to have.

After remembering this, what ever failure you've had during the process of your sacrifice, let it be your motivation. The devil and your worst enemies thrive on seeing you fail, they feed from the negative energy. But reverse this, by remembering, trials and errors have to be made in order to perfect whatever you are working to accomplish.

You see, we have to patient with ourselves, because if you give up on yourself nothing with come through. Don't stop working, don't give up, because faith without works is dead. Yes God is there to help us through, but if we give God nothing to work with it, you won't have anything to look forward to because you have given up.

Patience teaches us to evaluate where we may have gone wrong, and we will take the time to see what we can do to improve.

Love yourself, don't beat yourself up. When you've done all you could, and the outcome isn't the best, give yourself a pat on the back. Reassure yourself, that this is only the beginning, but there is so much fight left in you. If you've been through so many challenges and God took through it, this situation, this sacrifice you have made is no different.

Do not give up ladies, God will never put more on you that you cannot bear. Look at it like it's nothing, keep working, keep praying and trusting God, but most importantly.. BE YOURSELF!

I love you guys, I hope this helped you. Do not forget to vote, comment and share with a friend. Remember part 15 is open for you to comment a question, or just send a personal message. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas. For those who don't celebrate Christmas, enjoy the rest of the year and may the New Year bring you, joy love and prosperity 😘. Until next time my Queens.

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