For Every Woman Part 11

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Today's Topic: The difference between Love and Attention

Now this is a topic that I believe a lot of people think have it right, but unfortunately don't.This chapter is just to clear things up so that you can finally see what love really is.

First of all, you can tell someone loves you, when they don't try to rush anything with you. Not quite clear?
Ok, say for instance this guy asks you out after seeing you around a couple times. He doesn't know anything about you, but yet still he wants to take you out. Now nothing's wrong with that, until he starts trying to come by your house, or trying to get you to his. Then he starts to butter up the biscuit. Try to do all things he can to make it seem like he's a gentleman, he will start to ask you about past relationships, what did your ex do that made you feel broken. Then he instantly uses that to make himself out to be the "Perfect Guy" so you can be intrigued, and feel like yes! It's finally the man I've always wanted

 Then he instantly uses that to make himself out to be the "Perfect Guy" so you can be intrigued, and feel like yes! It's finally the man I've always wanted

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Push pause. This man is trying to get one thing from you, SEX. If a guy or whomever really loves you, they take the TIME to get to know you. They are interested in what you're passionate about. They respect you. A man that wants your attention uses you against yourself. They find the things about you that you are dedicated to , that you put your heart and soul in to manipulate you.

If the first place that a man looks at is you're breast or wherever that is not your face, and that's the first thing he voices when he sees you, that's a no. Or if you're in a relationship with him and all he wants to do is to is doing anything that involves your body and only your body, he does not love you.

Or take me for instance, now I'm not saying he was a bad person,because he wasn't. But when I was in community college, this guy came in the class room to see my lecturer. Now I only saw him, and went back to what I was doing. But a few days later, I got a friend request on Facebook. Long story short we started talking for like about two months, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't agree the first time he asked because I did not know a thing about him. But after him asking me so many times I said yes. He was nothing but a nice guy, but what caught me off guard was when he told me he loved me. Now remember we didn't know much about each other, and two I  was lying to myself, I didn't love him or like him back, he was just a sweet person. End of story I broke up with him cause I wasn't about playing around with him lol.

But my point is, a guy can say he loves you, but that does not guarantee that he means it. Loves does not come that quick or that easy. You grow to love someone. That means even if you have weird habits or any other flaw, he will love you regardless. A man who wants your attention will see this and leave instantly.

A man that loves you will take baby steps, to learn everything there is to know about you, so that he can adjust to your lifestyle, without changing who he is of course. Even if he doesn't understand or know anything about your job,  or just your day to day hobbies, he will make an effort to be there for you and understand, even ask questions just to make sure he gets it right. He will notice the little things, even things you haven't even noticed about yourself. He will see your flaws and appreciate them.

He will step back and let you have your space if you need it, but he will always check up on you, to ensure you have somebody to lean on. He will take an interest in meeting your parents and family. Getting to know about your background and respecting it. He will also take you to meet his mom (that's how you know the love is real lol) because he sees you as a precious jewel. Someone worthy enough to meet such an important figure in his life.

When a man wants your attention 🙄.
Honestly I think this should be simple and easy to get. A man that wants your attention, doesn't  care about how he approaches you. He will just come up to you any old way, talk to you like you some animal or a fly on the wall. Never pay attention to what you want or need. Never go out his way to even know if you're ok or not. Hit you up when HE wants to have a casual roll in the sheets, You name it!

TLC told y'all about them, they're scrubs. Period.  Stop being fooled, stop allowing yourself to be fooled.

Let's be real and tone it down a bit. I know some of you mistake attention for love because you have no clue what love is, and you haven't received love from your father or any other male or female figure in your life. Unfortunately some of you have none at all. But look at it like this, don't be blinded by negative attention and think "that's all I know I'll take it". Listen if you feel deep down your heart that you are still empty and you can't trust anyone, you know that there is something wrong. As long as in your heart or in your mind that there is still something wrong with the way he treats me, that isn't love. Real love is unconditional, there is truth to that. And if you're reading this and you've never had that before, just know that God loves you and he's the best teacher when it comes to knowing and feeling what love is.

Don't let a man's sweet words cloud your vision. Don't let your hunger for love drive you to taking the first bit attention that looks like love. Love does not come in a certain package. We never know in what form it might come in, but look to God for guidance and follow your heart. Not your perceptions. We look at people and admire things about them then instantly think "oh yeah this might be it for me" but you don't know the inside.
You know how people imagine the "perfect guy" to look a certain way and to be certain way, but then meet someone , get to know them , become really good friends and then feelings come in. Next thing you you marry a guy, way different from what you thought you wanted.

Moral of the story is, Love is not based on looks and it lasts a lifetime.
Attention is based on looks and it lasts until it gets boring.

That's it for this one my Queens. Hoped you liked it. Don't forget to share, vote and comment 😘.

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