For Every Woman Part 10

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Today's Topic: Sisterhood (Respecting and uplifting your fellow sisters)

Today's Topic:  Sisterhood (Respecting and uplifting your fellow sisters)

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Today's class triggered a lot of thoughts through my mind. Today we learned about genders and sexuality in the work place and mainly how women are basically underpaid , and not given many opportunities because well because we're women. But as I started to think, I thought about society today, and realised, we degrade each other. We don't do enough as women for each other.

Don't know if it's just me, but I notice that with some women, they just can't be happy for their sister!. They will always find something that they do not like. " Oh she think she so cute" "oh because she got that new job she think she's better than me" " Don't mind her there like she got it all together .... then they start to make up all the lies they can, just to make you feel as horrible as they feel.

Sorry if I get a little mean in this chapter, but consider this tough love because it is what is , and I refuse to tell nothing but the truth. Stop letting your insecurities, lead you to tear others down. If you see a sister succeeding, don't be bitter and find ways to tear her down! Back her up. No matter the race, it's hard out here for us! We have to fight for everything! Just because of a gender. We don't need anymore discouragement from people with the same struggles. What's wrong with saying " yasss girl go get it! , I'm proud of you" huh?.

All this hate and bitterness starts with one thing, JEALOUSY. I'm gonna tell you from now, jealousy ain't getting you nowhere but right on your butt in your parents house or stuck working a job you don't want to do. No offence to anyone in that position , because life happens. But there is a difference with being there because you are working your way up until you can stand on your own, or eventually where you want to be, and just being plain ole lazy. News flash, NOT A SOUL IS STOPPING YOU, YOU ARE STOPPING YOURSELF!

If you have that thing called AMBITION, not a thing that takes place can stop you from achieving anything that YOU make up your mind to do. Stop being bitter , and be inspired by your sisters that are successful and pushing themselves everyday to become more than what people think of us. Thank them, because they are setting the pace for you. Everyday that woman succeeds , means they are tearing down the stereotype wall!

It's full time to stop being ungrateful , and wallowing yourself in self pity! And push yourself to love and embrace your sisters, be inspired by them , and be successful together.

Another thing, often times, you have people that talk behind your back to stir up a big pot of back stabbing soup, just destroy a bond between you and a sister so dear to you. If you hear the he said she said stories, go to the person directly and talk it out. Never plot for revenge , real Queens don't do that, we kill the haters with kindness and success.

At the end of the day, we were all made to be good at something, but it's up to us to find it, and up to us as sisters to encourage each other.

That's all for this one Queens. Have a goodnight,and don't forget to share, vote and comment. And remember I'm all ears if you need someone to talk to

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