For Every Woman Part 27

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Today's Topic: "We don't do the same drugs no more"

So seeing that the book is near the end, I'm going to make this chapter kind of like a revision and application chapter.

At this point, I think that I have targeted the main things that we face in our everyday lives. I gave you guys advice on how to do so based on a few of my experiences as well as others.

Now it's all about leaving them in the past and simply moving forward.

So for today's Topic, the idea came from Chance The Rappers "Same Drugs". If you don't know the song, a line in the song said "we don't do the sabe drugs no more".

I don't know if you have thought about the negative things in your life this way, but notice that when we let the negative things control us, we react to it as if it were a drug. We become depressed and shut everybody and everything out. We wallow in self pity and allow our sorrows to control us and be our best friend.

We have to realise
Depression is a drug.
Anxiety is a drug.
Jealousy is a drug.
Not accepting who you are/ hating the way you are made is a drug.
It is a NEGATIVE drug.

Through out this book, I talked about talking yourself out of negative thought, spelling out what you want for yourself so that you can forcing your brain to process these things, just so that it can stick in. I know that we see and hear these things constantly, but it never sinks in until the right time. So keep repeating it until it becomes apart you.

Now when we get rid of all the negative the drugs, we often feel as if we need the urge to have something after being so used to being addicted to something for so long.

That's where the POSITIVE drugs come in. Replace the negative drugs with

Self Love
Inspirational books/shows
Chanting words of wisdom to yourself
Activities that drive you to challenge yourself and push you towards your dreams,

At this point, we have to decide, that we are not going to do the same drugs anymore. At this point, we say no to negativity. We say no to the things that pull us back to our old habits. Push through, even when you don't have enough fight left. Think about where you are headed. Think about the fact that in spite of your everyday turmoil and challenges, you have life, and you were born to be someone, you were born to make a difference!

I challenge you to start taking the positive drugs! We no longer do the same drugs!

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