For Every Woman Part 28 (International Womens Day Special)

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Today's Topic: Just Do it

So ladies firstly let me say Happy International Women's Day.

I decided to do a special chapter seeing as this is a book for Women, why the hell not?!

So today's Topic is simply this! Just Do It. Now last time I told you guys about, thinking brave and being brave. Now in order to do that you have to push your self to actually grow some balls and do it.

Often times like me, we panic and worry about it before we actually just make an effort. I swear it's almost as if it's this whirlwind of thoughts nagging at your very soul of the possible outcomes. But guess what, you will never know unless you try.

The whole point of thinking brave is to actually boost yourself to be brave, after that is already programmed in your brain and you start to feel like you have made it through the fears. The next step is to act on what you have already built up.

Stop panicking and thinking about it, Just Do It. It's one thing to speak it but it's 10 times more effective when you actually do it! When you encourage yourself it's not only to make you feel better, but it's also to drive you towards making your purpose happen.

You have told yourself, I know what my talent is, I know what I am capable of it's now time to prove it.

Remember purpose brought you to this point. You have talent or gift? use it! We are given these things for a reason, not only to benefit us, but to make the world around us, a better place to even live in.

As a woman, no stereotypes and whatever the hell it is should stop you from being you and letting the world see you. From this day forward I challenge you to JUST DO IT!

I think this is very fitting and I would like to share it here. It's a post I shared on Facebook, here it goes!

For years my Daddy always used to say to me "do not  make decisions based on feelings". Now this used to make me so upset because I would be like, "its what I feel comfortable doing, I dont want to be depressed or sad doing anything". It is now that I finally get what he was trying to say. He basically meant, that of course you cant turn how you feel off, we're human. But the point is do not let feelings drive you because it can steer you in the wrong direction and push you off the path God wants you to go in. Another thing he always said to me over and over was to be Purpose driven. What I am trying to say is basically this , Do not be feelings driven but be PURPOSE driven. Any time you have a feeling of anxiety, loneliness , sadness what ever it is, always remember purpose and be motivated by that. Everything wont 'feel' good the first time around. The area you are in may not ' feel like home, but purpose was the whole reason you moved out of your comfort zone. So today as you embark on your new journey or a new decision, Be PURPOSE DRIVEN!

That's all for today my loves! Have a blessed day. And please if you have any birthday chapters requests remember to dm me the details! 😘😘😘

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