For Every Woman: Healing (Pre Chapter)

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Today's Topic: Healing Process

Hey you guys, so today I'm going to be talking about healing and the process that it takes. Recently I went through something that I thought would not affect me horribly... but unfortunately it did.

The thing that I did wrong during this time ,was brushing it under the rug and trying to act like it never happened. I tried to make jokes about the situation, I tried to talk to people about it, but I always held back because I didn't want to burden anyone with my complaints.

At this point I started to beat myself up and get angry at myself for it. I knew that I worked hard to get where I am and I knew that it wasn't my fault for the way things turn out with others. However that didn't stop the pain from lingering within me time after time.

I prayed really hard, and I kept how I was feeling to myself daily. I put a smile on my face so my sister wouldn't ask me what's going on because I feel so stupid talking about it. At this point in my life I was already in the process of focusing on me and waiting for things to unfold , in education and in general in my life. But like I said earlier I choose to act like it never happened.

This lead to my inspiration being dampened because I felt like no matter what I do, nothing is going to be good enough for anyone to read. I felt like I wasn't getting the feedback I expected, and I should not expect any different now. This whole time I felt like I was talking to a wall and no one understands me. Hopeless and painful is what I felt.

Sitting back and reply a few minutes ago, I started to wonder.. Why should I only be inspired when I am happy or at a good place in my life? Why must we always be perfect and why can't we really be who we are?

Why is it so easy for us to hide wounds, and not leave them open to heal? Why can't we tend to them and take our time to let it go? What's the rush?

I realised that letting go doesn't have a time frame. It all takes time, that's why healing is a PROCESS. I wanted to get rid of the pain so I rushed myself and it caught up with me. Ladies give yourself time to heal, no matter how long it takes , take time for yourself. Remember things happen for a reason, don't let a negative situation make you look at life negatively. I honestly stopped writing because I felt like I had way too much negative energy to do so. But in this time of healing I realised that even when things are good or bad, that should never stop me from glowing. I realised I'm stopping my own shine, I am keeping myself back by letting feelings get in the way of my life progress. Know this, pain is only for a moment, do not ignore it but don't let it control you.

Remember who you are, what you are called to be and why you love yourself. Forgive yourself, forgive others around you and push yourself to keep fighting for your dreams. Inhale and exhale, slowly let it go. Take this time to see where you went wrong and turn it around into something positive. Do not beat yourself up when you come to terms of the situation, but take note and grow. Learn from your mistakes.

Be mindful that it will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Taking time for yourself to heal now, will make your future even brighter. What we go through everyday is preparing us for the beautiful opportunities that's in store for our future.

As I wrote this I started to heal. I started my healing process by writing to help you guys. My healing comes from helping others. Find something that will help you heal, but I urge you to choose something that is positive. Do not give up on yourself. Do not give up on God, stay strong, be bold and be brave.


I really hope that you guys took something from this pre chapter. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for sticking with me and getting me this far in my journey. I appreciate the comments and the votes I have received and I pray that you guys are blessed every time you read every chapter from my books. Feel free to share with someone , vote and comment. 😘😘😘

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