For Every Woman Part 5

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Today's Topic: I Know Who I Am (Talk Yourself Into It/Talk Yourself Out Of It)

Ok my Queens. Today we're going a bit further with what was said in chapter three. In chapter three, I talked about dreams and your passion for them, and not letting anything or anyone stop you from achieving them.

In this chapter, I am going to talk about not letting ourselves stand in the way of achieving what God wants us to achieve, and fulfilling our dreams. I also want to talk about knowing who we are and how to remind ourselves of who we are.

So I know the first thing that's coming to your mind is "Who am I?". Im not going to say it's easy or simple, and it may take you a while to figure out what was in front of you the whole time.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE and YOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE. Simple as that. Whatever you speak on to yourself is who you will become. God says, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are smart and you can be anything you want to be. As long as you live, remember you were born to be someone beyond what anyone would think of you,or imagine you to be. What you speak into existence and what you work for can create the person you are.

Always remember, to know who you are is to speak who you want to be into existence. When you were born your parents had dreams for you. They imagined what you would grow up to be, and if they could, they would make your decisions for you. But, as human beings, we all grow up ,observe our surroundings, go through certain situations, then choose who we want to be based on the things we face.

My point is, those situations could either be detrimental, or can have a positive affect on us. But we cannot let negative situations determine who we are and who we want to be. Back tracking a bit to the first chapter. I said in my first chapter that I would repeat all the negative things that people said and add a few of my own.I was starting to become stupid, I instantly started to see myself as ugly, I started to behave weird and goofy , I was starting to behave childish and the list goes on. But as I got older, and I started getting encouragement and advice from God and other positive figures around me. I realised, that talking down to myself, will make me into a person I never wanted to be in the first place. I started to think about my self before negativity arrived. I was confident, I was happy, I always looked at myself as loved , blessed and talented. I saw myself as a person who would bring happiness to others. Who would bring kindness and compassion. Who would never want someone to struggle, but always encourage people to strive. And when I remembered what I wanted for myself, and when God reminded me what my dreams were, what my passion was, I started to TALK MYSELF INTO IT. I would always look in the mirror and tell myself what I wanted to see. I would tell myself what I can become. I stood there and ENCOURAGED MYSELF.

Practice to encourage yourself, because we cannot depend on someone to always be there when we need it. Be your own best friend, be your own shoulder to lean on. Do not betray yourself by speaking negativity into your life, do not betray yourself by joining, the nay sayers and following the wrong crowd.Dare to be your own person, dare to BE YOURSELF. Forget about who doesn't like it, as long as you are pleased and as long as God is pleased you are just fine!

Nobody can tear you down unless YOU let them. Nobody can talk down to you, unless, YOU give them the chance to. Don't let your fears determine how you work, how much you give, where you want to go, what you want to do! TALK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR FEARS, TALK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR DISAPPOINTMENTS, TALK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR DOUBTS, TALK YOURSELF OUT OF ANYTHING THAT WILL STOP YOU FROM BEING

Whenever these things take place in your mind it's because your giving it the space to manifest,as soon as it starts YOU start to tell yourself, I'm scared , I can't do that, you are telling yourself I don't believe in who I am anymore, I don't believe in who God says I am anymore. Do not put limitations on where God can take you. Do not put limitations on the gifts that God has given you.

I'm going to be honest. I started writing this book not expecting much. I started writing it expecting to just touch a small number of people, and I limited myself to just that. But today when I was thinking about it, I had to ask God forgiveness. Because I was putting a limit on someone's blessings. Trust me, I'm not asking for fame, all I want to do, is to help as many people as possible, that's my goal. But I was putting a limit on the amount of people that will read this, be blessed and live life at a higher standard. Excuse me if I'm getting a little to deep in God and you may not believe in him, because I don't know who's reading. But never put limitations on your goals, dreams and aspirations.

If you put limitations on them you will not put out and give your all, and you will sitting on your full potential.You never where it will take you and how much blessings you and others around you can receive.

So if you're feeling fearful and doubtful, TALK YOURSELF OUT OF IT and TALK YOURSELF into thinking positively. Never let negative situations or words, stop you from forgetting who you are!

 Never let negative situations or words, stop you from forgetting who you are!

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That's it for today my Queens. I hope this helped you. Have a wonderful and productive week 😘✊🏽. Until next time!

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