For Every Woman Part 14

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Today's Topic: The Butterfly and her Cocoon

In this chapter I'll be using the butterfly and their stages of growth to describe us, and to help us to see our worth.

I have always loved butterflies because of how unique they are. They come in shapes, sizes and various colours, quite like us. But the butterfly was not born with wings or the pretty colours. A butterfly started at the first stage, being a caterpillar.

A caterpillar  does not really receive that much attention, unless your a curious child. But much like us, that's where we start and that how we feel. We feel like we are being ignored, we feel as if nothing is going well for us. But we have to persevere and push ourselves so that one day we will bloom and become a beautiful butterfly.

In every stage in our life, we've had our horrible style choices, unfortunate things that happened because of puberty and the list goes on. In every stage of our lives, we have experienced bad break ups , lost some friends that we thought we would keep for forever, real crazy hardships hit us like a tone of bricks, but has that ever stopped us from pushing forward? In the last chapter I talked about the fact that we have a lot of scars and felt like we were never going to make it, but yet we are still here.

Like the caterpillar, we are many times ignored because we don't fit a certain mold or a certain image, which may cause is to mushed and stepped on. We tend to feel trapped and we don't feel we know where exactly to go. But remind yourself, that I am better than this, I was born for this and despite what other say , I'll silently work my way up.

The next stage is the cocoon. This is where the magic happens. The cocoon for us, is our healing stage. Within this cocoon is where we block negativity and the world out, and work on ourselves. Within this cocoon, we have already seen what we have been through, and realize we want a certain life. There are things that we want to achieve, there are dreams we want to see come true. So while we silently burn the midnight oil and work on ourselves, God sees us working. He hears our pleas, he hears our cries, and ensures that when we are ready, we get our none stop blessings and opportunities. He ensures that people will see our radiance and regret every hateful thing that was said or done to us by them. God will reward us for being humble and fighting back by doing what the haters say we couldn't do.

Our cocoon is our training ground for when we blossom.  Within the cocoon, we create are strategies, our objectives. We decide who we want to be associated with, which way we want our life to turn. More than likely a few people that used to feed off of us in our caterpillar stage, comes knocking at our cocoon, wanting to know what we are doing because they don't have the pleasure of enjoying our misery any more. Ignore them and keep moving forward.

Now for the big finale. After we have healed, after we have set our new standards, after we have made our new rules and objectives using the knowledge God has given us, and the healing he has given us. It's time to burst out of our cocoons, show off our new shape, new colour, and fly off into our freedom. Just like a butterfly looks for flowers to get nectar, that us taking the endless opportunities that are out there waiting for us to see and use  to the best of our abilities.

You see when we are in our prime, when we are in our butterfly stage, that is when everyone wants to know you. They will follow you around and try to be a leech or pest. They will try to befriend you. But remember,you were in the cocoon stage to evaluate and eliminate.

We all need a cocoon stage to , get rid of some things that are holding us back from becoming a butterfly. Some of us are in our cocoon stage , but let others come in and burst our cocoons early , causing us to jump into things that we are not ready for. Be mindful your cocoon, is your healing place.

Take time out for yourself. Realize that you are not perfect, but you see yourself being more than what people think of you to be. When you look at yourself, picture yourself as a beautiful butterfly. Flying free and ready to take on the world. Let that be your motivation.

Be mindful though. At the butterfly stage, we have to as Muhammad Ali said it best "Float like a butterfly , sting like a bee" . We have to gracefully make our mark, but we must make sure we do it with dignity and pride, sting the leeches where it hurts the most. We will have people that will plot the worst of schemes, but we have to sting them right back. Let them know that you have matured, and there is nothing that can stop you from being great. There is nothing that can stop you from progress, there is nothing that can pull you back. No horrible exes, no addictions, no suicidal thoughts, none of that! Can pull you back. God is going to put you through a cocoon stage and he is going to heal you tremendously. He will ensure that you are strengthened and he will keep you, he will guide you.God will lead you out of the cocoon when he knows that you are ready ,and that everything is set in place for you to be successful, after so many sacrifices. Don't think that loosing everything is a utter and complete nightmare, that's the start of your cocoon stage.

Remember you can never be a butterfly without your cocoon.

Have a blessed Sunday everyone. Stay blessed my Queens 😘.
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