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(Long chapter my friends. Have fun and enjoy. ~pikachukite out)

Optimus Prime and his medic friend, Ratchet, walked side by side before standing in front of the water. Optimus spoke.

"Ratchet... Is this where you found the signal of a decepticon?"

Ratchet nodded. "I did. It's still here but it seems to be hidden mostly."

Optimus hummed in response.

Starscream internally panicked. He had no idea what to do as he did not want to be captured. He scanned the area for an escape route and found none. He held his breath as Optimus seemed to be staring right at him.

Optimus started walking into the water, as Ratchet's optics widened and tried to stop him.

Starscream's own optics widened before he closed them tightly and ducked his helm under the water. He covered his helm protectively in his servos amd pedes. His body trembled under the water as he tried to keep still so he wouldn't be found.

Optimus came up to Starscreams spot as he had seen the ex-cons glowing red eyes before they sunk into the water. He bent down and grabbed Starscreams form.

Starscream yelped and tried to get out of the Autobots arms but the leader had a very strong hold on him. His eyes opened wide in fear and he tried to scratch Optimus to let him go, but he was lifted up too quickly. Starscream latched onto Optimus as he was lifted up as he did not want to be dropped; and it was reflex for him to latch onto whoever picked him up bridle style, while scaring him.

Ratchet's optics widened at what he seen happen between his leader and Starscream.

Optimus was just surprised that Starscream latched onto him like he did without screaming to be put down. He spoke too soon...

Starscream, after quickly letting his arms go from latching onto the Prime, glared at Optimus. "Put me down you big buffoon! Get your filthy servos off of me this instance!" He growled.

Optimus ignored Starscream's yells and walked back to shore next to Ratchet. He dropped Starscream onto the ground gently as he didn't want to lose the only source of information of Megatron's plannings go just yet.

Starscream yelped again and glared at Optimus. "If your here to learn anything Megatron has been planning the answer is I have no idea. After Megatron almost killed me last time, I fled that scrap heap. Don't even think about capturing me and taking me to your base as I will not be going amywhere near your angry femme bot." Starscream slowly stood up and sighed at the dirt on his pedes and servos. He walked around Optimus not even caring that Ratchet looked about ready to pounce on him for the kill. Starscream's wings drooped and he sat down in front of the water sticking his pedes into it. He didn't even look behind him at the Autobots as he just sat there and stared at the waterfall blankly. "Kill me if you want to, I can't transform anyways so I can't flee even if I wanted to."

Ratchet's optics widened. "Why can't you transform?"

Optimus stayed silent patiently awaiting  Starscream's answer.

Starscream scoffed. "Your scout wasn't the only one who had thier T-Cog stolen by NEST. Not to mention your femme bot cuffed my wings not too long ago, and when I took it off I damaged my wings. I'll be grounded for quite some time."

Optimus decided to speak. "Ratchet could help you if you choose for our assistance."

Starscream moved his helm to look at Optimus. "If it's alright with you I'd rather be grounded for now. As long as Megatron doesn't find me I'll be fine. Now how did the two of you find me?"

Ratchet spoke up. "We found a faint signal coming from you and decided to check it out."

Starscream frowned. "My signal should be lost to all, even Soundwave shouldn't be able to find me."

Optimus took a step forward watching as Starscream's body tensed as he did so. "Somehow you are generating a faint signal and someone else might be curious to find out what it is like we did."

Starscream frowned deeply and stood up. "Then it is best we cut this discussion to a close and I take my leave."

Optimus nodded. "Very well. If you are in need of assistance you are welcome to signal us."

Ratchet stayed quiet through all this.

Starscream nodded. "If I need your help I will make my signal show but it might bring unwanted cons to my location. But if you are truly worried for my well being Prime then meet me here at least once a month. I will mostly come back to this waterfall to get rid of the dirt on my body as I despise being dirtied."

Optimus agreed to the terms and left with Ratchet.

Starscream went back to his cave hoping his so called weak signal disappeared underground like all signals do. He went to the deepest part of the cave and leaned against the wall before slowly sliding down back into a laying position for recharge. He laid on his side and closed his optics.

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