Real Chapter 37

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A comm. call came in through the Prime's comm. set. He answered it as Arcee's voice came through. "Optimus, Bucket head's hailing us. He wants to speak to you and Soundwave."

"Tell him I will be there soon." He turned to Soundwave as he turned off his comm. "Will you be joining me in speaking to Megatron."

Soundwave glared at the wall. "He has no control of me anymore. Just don't tell him I have no intentions of following his orders anymore."

Optimus nodded once before getting up and leaving Soundwave with the two unconscious Cybertronians and medic. As he left, he could barely hear Soundwave say that he hoped Shockwave and Knockout would be alright without him.

Arcee saw Optimus as soon as he turned the corner to come into the rec/ monitor room. She motioned him over as she spoke. "Should I tell him your here or let you do it?"

Optimus waved her off and turned the monitor on for a two way video chat. "Megatron."

Megatron glared. "Prime. Give me my men back or I will start killing every flesh bag I come across!"

Optimus narrowed his optics. "I have spoken to Soundwave but i have yet to speak to your medic."

Megatron growled. "You have Starscream there. I know you do!"

Optimus vented. "I do. But Starscream's in no condition to talk to anyone."

Megatron's optics flashed. "And Soundwave?"

Optimus spoke bluntly. "Soundwave does not wish to speak to you at this time."

Megatron's optics flashed with pure rage before he spoke calmly. "Then tell him to come amd face me like a meche!"

Optimus frowned. "He is busy watching over Starscream. If you wish to speak to him then call back later. Farewell Megatron,  until next time." He turned it off cutting Megatron's words off as he spoke.


Arcee coughed to silence her laugh. "You sure that was a wise idea Optimus?"

Optimus vented. "I am sure he will more than likely blast a hole in a wall on his ship before he even thinks of harming the humans."

Arcee looked to her leader. "You going to speak to Knockout now Optimus?"

Optimus nodded. "I am. From Soundwave's words it sounds as though Knockout cares not for the Decepticon cause."

Arcee frowned, thinking deeply. "Do you think Knockout could help with Starscream's condition?"

Optimus vented. "It all depends on how much he knows to actually help her." He turned to leave to go see Knockout on Wheeljack's ship.

"Be careful Optimus." Arcee said as she went back to watching the monitors.

Optimus nodded leaving the room.

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