Thirty-Six part one

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Optimus was in the rec room with Bumblebee and Bulkhesd when the alarms went off for an attack on a power plant.

Bulkhead looked at the monitors. "It's Dreadwing and Knockout, Optimus. Their attacking a power plant! What's the plan?" He turned his helm to Optimus.

Optimus frowned. "Bulkhead, you and Bumblebee will go with Arcee and try to capture Knockout or chase them both away from the humans."

They nodded just when Arcee came into the room. They told Arcee and the three left.

Optimus called Wheeljack and Smokescreen and told them to back up Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee, before going to check on the others in the med bay.

When Optimus reached the med bay he saw Soundwave holding Starscream in front of him to his chasis. He could clearly see Soundwave's upset. Without Soundwave's visor on anyone could clearly see the mech's emotional distress.

Soundwave felt numb. His optics unfocused on the wall itself as he tried to feel any emotion from his only one true friend. He could feel everyone else's emotions and thoughts but he couldn't feel Starscream's. The only thing he could feel was a warmth of content. He entertained the thought that it was the sparklings' emotions he could feel. Soundwave didn't know much about seeker physiology but he knew that seekers needed love, comfort, and affection when going through the process of having any sparklets. Holding Starscream in his arms was the one thing he could do that wasn't too intimate for any seeker. He felt a brief flash of mental pain from Starscream before her emotions stopped again.

Optimus could see the conflicted emotion crossing Soundwave's face plates, so he decided to talk to him. He walked over and sat down beside the berth.

Soundwave looked up feeling someone's presence settle beside the berth. He became confused as to why the Prime was beside him.

Optimus smiled softly at Soundwave. "How are you feeling Soundwave?"

Soundwave vented looking down at the young seeker in his arms. "Statement: Soundwave... unsure."

Optimus wasn't surprised that Soundwave went back to being monotonous. "Will you tell me what is on your mind?"

Soundwave frowned stretching the scar on the side of his faceplate. "Starscream:... Will she ever awaken? I... I can no longer feel her emotions or read her thoughts. Will she be alright?"

Optimus vented himself. "She is most likely in a deep sleep that none of us can reach her through. We can only hope her bondmate can when and if he awakens."

Soundwave tilted his helm. "Her bondmate?" He asked, confusion on his face.

Optimus looked over to Skyfire on the berth table still being worked on. "His designation is Skyfire. Starscream broke down after seeing him alive. She truly thought he perished vorns ago. She told us that they were bondmates and that she never bonded with anyone besides her trine."

Soundwave's optics widened. "She always told me and anyone that asked that she wasn't bonded to anyone and that she wasn't looking for someone to bond with."

Optimus hummed. "She must not have wanted anyone to know that she had a bondmate."

Soundwave looked down at Starscream's sleeping face. "She always tries to act so strong so noone could see the pain and sorrow that buried her alive."

Optimus closed his optics. "Grief does that to young bonds."

Soundwave frowned. "Question: Will the bond be strong enough to help her?"

Optimus vented. "I do not know Soundwave. Have you gotten in touch with Shockwave? " He asked worried.

Soundwave frowned. "I have. I believe that he will come soon with Starscream's trine mates. If they come it will strengthen the bond and help her."

Optimus hummed. "All we can do is have hope Soundwave."

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