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When they arrived Soundwave's visor flashed and a big exclamation and question mark appeared. He looked at Skyfire onbthe table and then Starscream and back again. He shook his helm to clear it and walked over to Starscream. A tentacle hovered over Starscream's servo that was by her faceplate out of her covers fast asleep. Soundwave's tentacle took the blanket and pulled it up a bit to cover her more securely. He turned away and looked to Optimus. Soundwave spoke in his mechanical voice. "Do you know?"

Optimus nodded. "Starscream told us. Does Megatron love Starscream? Or does he only wish to use her and break her?"

Soundwave played Megatron's voice clip. "Soon Starscream. Soon you will be back in my ranks amd under my pedes." Soundwave put a frowny face on his visor and then used a growl that was Starscream's voice clip.

"You do not like how Megatron has turned out, do you?"

Soundwave shook his helm no. He spoke. "Megatron: Dangerous. Starscream: Not safe in ranks. Soundwave: Wants war to end. Solution: Starscream leads Decepticons to peace." He said in his mechanical voice.

Optimus vented. "That would be easier on all of us, but it will only be if Starscream lives."

Soundwave shows a question mark on his visor.

"Starscream is pregnant with three sparklings and she doesn't have the strength to give them life without either losing them or herself. She needs a bond but her bonded is in stasis at the moment and we don't know how much longer she will last." Ratchet replied without looking up from his work on Skyfire.

Soundwave's optics widened under his vision. "Question: Megatron's?"

Optimus looked away and nodded. "She said he forced himself on her."

Soundwave's fist clenched. "Soundwave: Hates Megatron." He says bluntly.

Ratchet scoffed. "Don't we all." He mumbles under his breath as he works.

Soundwave chuckled in his very creepy voice.

Ratchet jumped and turned to Soundwave glaring at him. "DON'T DO THAT!"

A smiley face appeared on Soundwave's visor.

Ratchet's optics widened when he saw the wound on Soundwave's arm. "Sit! Why wasn't I informed of your injury!?" He put everything down and shooed Soundwave to an empty berth to sit on as he quickly got to work fixing it.

Soundwave watched as Ratchet fixed his arm. When Ratchet was done, Soundwave poked his fresh wielding upset that it didn't look like what Knockout would do.

Ratchet slapped Soundwave's servo away. "Don't touch it! Are you trying to reopen your wound?!"

Soundwave blinked behind his mask, while Lazerbeak laughed at him through the bond.

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