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~Five minutes before Starscream abruptly woke up...

Ratchet was putting in Arcee's energon into Starscream's IV drip when he noticed that Starscream was breathing fast. This worried him so he comm'd Optimus to get him to the med bay and fast.

Optimus came in just in time to see Starscream stop breathing for a minute.

Starscream's body gasped before he started to talk in his recharge. "No!... Optimus... watch... out... he's... behind you... no... NO!" He jerked in his recharge, his servos seeming to push someone away.

Ratchet looked over to Optimus. "Spark fears... whatever's troubling him must concern you Optimus."

Optimus walked over as Starscream's body relaxed for a full minute, fully calming. As he and Ratchet continued to worry as soon as Starscream's body started twitching to escape invisible bonds, before it started to tremble in pure fear with his breathing escalating; they could only watch as Starscream froze from his fear.

Both Ratchet and Optimus quickly backed away, when Starscream yelled out three words before bolting upwards in the berth slugging an opponent only he could see. They watched as Starscream's wide red optics were full of fear and raging fury, until he blinked and he shook his helm long enough to finally calm down and look at his servos where he noticed the medical tubes on him.

Starscream hadn't noticed the two autobots at first until he looked away from his body to his surroundings.  He jumped with a yelp when he spotted the two and hit the wall with his back. "Where am I?!" He asked with his fear hidden behind his anger.

Optimus walked a step forward. "You are at our base in the medical wing. Bumblebee and I came across you unconscious by the lake. We brought you here for medical treatment. We talked about adding you to our ranks before your signal came online."

Starscream's angered expression faltered and he looked away. "You could have terminated me easily and not even had to worry about me, so why did you save my useless aft?" He clenched his digits into fists waiting for Optimus to reply with clenched dentas and narrowed optics.

"All life is precious.  Even yours, Starscream.  That was taught to all bots from Primus, himself, a long time ago. The question for you though Starscream is, are you willing to join us?" Optimus asked with a servo outstretched.

Starscream looked up at Optimus with wide shocked optics. "I... I don't understand... After all I've done to you... you still want me to join you?"

Optimus gave a small smile. "The difference between me and Megatron is our natures are opposite of each other."

Starscream looked down. "I can't fly. I'm absolutely useless to you and your autobots. Megatron already knew that and took away my position of second in command, so I no longer have a rank amongst them. I'm just... useless scrap metal." He mumbled sadly.

Ratchet vented. "Then allow me to fix you so that you can fly once more."

Starscream frowned. "The only way you could fix me is if I had my T-cog but I don't have it. Although..." Starscream puts a digit under his his faceplate thinking. He smiled. "The Harvenger. It's not in the Decepticons database, but that's mostly because I never put the cooridinates in so only I know where its located. I was unable to get to it before I lost my T-cog to the dreadful NEST. We get to it and find a way to make me a new T-cog. Perhaps Shockwave left some equipment he was using for his cloning projects. Who knows, might even be energon on the ship." He looks to Optimus. "With your permission of course, we can scavenge it if you want to. There is also a cave that has energon left in it. The one the wrecker and the human girl found me before Megatron found all of us. That was when I could still fly at the time."

Optimus hummed. "Ratchet, myself, and Bumblebee should go with you to help get as much supplies as we can scavenge. Will you be alright to walk with the three of us?"

Ratchet spoke up. "Optimus! I still need to check his energon levels and his vitals to make sure he is able to do anything at all after offlining a minute ago!"

Starscream's optics widened. "What?! I offlined!? How?!"

Ratchet started fussing about with his medical equipment, checking over Starscream. "Your spark terror. Whatever you where dreaming of caused you to offline for a full minute before you onlined again and was calm for about two minutes before hyperventilating. You woke up from the spark terror screaming and almost hit us if we hadn't backed away when we did. Talking helps get rid of the spark terrors you know."

Starscream rolled his optics, venting. "So everyone tells me. Obviously I'm not going to trust anyone with that kind of information as it would've been used against me. Keeping the secrets I wanted to keep hidden has always been my specialty. Probably the only reason Megatron never terminated me. I know too much for his liking so if he sees I'm with you I surely will be terminated quickly but most likely brutally."

Ratchet furrowed his metal brows in confusion. "I always assumed he kept you around because of your rarity. From what I've been able to see, your the only seeker around besides those drones."

Starscream looked away. "Only seeker? Scrapping fool didn't even know who I was before the war. All of my kind are either dead from the illness or from the scrapping war we didn't care for!"

Optimus frowned slightly. "What do you mean Starscream?"

Starscream looked down at his digits as Ratchet stayed silent and unhooked the energon drip. Starscream scoffed. "Like it would matter. Let's go to the Harvenger already. My wings are aching to be in the air again." Starscream moved around to stand up. He stood up and looked at his decepticon symbol. He lifted a servo and clawed the symbol through with his digits. He walked over to stand behind Optimus.  He didn't turn his head to look at him when he spoke. "Please refrain from asking me personal questions of my past. I would like to keep those doors closed for the time being until I can, if that's even possible for me, trust you. After all... it's very hard to earn the trust of a seeker."

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