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When the men of the bots left the base Arcee had gone to check on Starscream.

Starscream was dreaming again. She was dreaming of a time lost. A time she remembered that wasn't as bad as it got after the war started.

Starscream's dream ~ Flashback

Starscream was in mourning. She was in a bar drinking a cube of low-grade. Her trinemates had just gotten her out of prison and were trying to cheer her up by going to a bar in Koan. Her trial was rigged and all she could think of was her Skyfire.

A large silver mech came and sat beside her ordering a cube of high grade.

Starscream didn't notice him until he spoke to her as she was just staring at her half drunk cube.

"Something on your mind seeker?"

Starscream jolted slightly in her seat before turning to the voice glaring. "What's it to you?"

The mech chuckled smirking. "Curiosity. " He drank a sip from his cube. "I have heard Seekers are perfect fliers, and that they keep to themselves. So little seeker, why are you here?"

Starscream frowned and drank a sip of her low grade before responding. "I'm not like other seekers. I'm better."

The mech chuckled. "You intrigue me seeker. What is your designation?"

Starscream glared. "What's yours?"

The mech smirked. "Ah! A mech after my spark! You amuse me, so I might as well. My designation is Megatronus."

Starscream's optics widened a bit. "The gladiator? I've heard about you." Starscream scoffed as she turned away and drank another sip of low grade. She turned her gaze to the dance floor where mechs and femmes danced. She frowned at her two trinemates. She vented before standing from her seat. "Goodbye Megatronus. I'd say it was nice to meet you, but I'd be lying." She went to walk away when Megatronus grabbed her wrist. She turned her helm at him glaring.

He was quick to speak. "I never caught your designation."

Starscream pulled her servo away from him. "Starscream."

He smiled. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Starscream." He watched as Starscream left with her trinemates.

Starscream's trinemates had dragged her to Kaon again to see the gladiator fights and hear Megatronus speak. Starscream and her trinemates sat in the back hidden from view.

Skywarp turned to Starscream. "Hey Scream? Do you think we'll get to see Megatronus and get to meet him?" He was bouncing in his seat with wide optics.

Thundercracker snorted. "Warp. There's no way in the pits are we going to meet THE Megatronus. He's a gladiator!"

Starscream frowned. "I don't need to meet the slagger. I could care less of these pitiful fights. The air here is suffocatingly disgusting. We should just go back to Vos and roam the skies."

Thundercracker vented. "Starscream, we brought you here to get away from all the stares and glares. This is the only place where you can enjoy yourself. "

Starscream growled softly. "I don't want to enjoy myself by watching barbaric brutes smash each other into scraps!"

Skywarp pouted. "But Scream!" He whined. "We don't want to watch you drink away your sorrows. You have to move on. Skyfire's gone."

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