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(Ignore the commentary in the video. The minicon is singing and i couldnt find the one i was looking for.)

Starscream dreamed while she was warm again. She dreamed of her academy days, where she was the happiest she had ever been. She smiled ever so softly that it was barely noticeable on her faceplate. Only one mech stayed in her dreams that time. Someone whom she loved with all her spark.

When Arcee came in to check on her. She noticed Starscream's barely there smile. She almost smiled herself. But what surprised her and made her a little sad was the name Starscream spoke softly in recharge.

Starscream sighed in her sleep. "Skyfire..." She mumbled.

Arcee stayed for a bit longer to make sure Starscream was okay.

Starscream shivered, freezing, as her dream changed to the last time she saw her dearest, most cherished friend. She whimpered not wanting to watch it all over again. "No... Skyfire!" Starscream almost shouted out his name but didn't as she tried to wake up.

Arcee seen this and ran over to help wake her up. She didn't know who Skyfire was but whoever it was something must've happened to them to mentally haunt Starscream in recharge. As soon as Arcee touched Starscream's shoulder and shook it once, Starscream's optics shot open.

Tears filled red optics quickly before spilling and blurring Starscream's sight. She choked on a sob and only kept repeating, "It's all my fault."

Arcee panicked herself, not knowing what to do and quickly comm'd Ratchet. "Starscream's had a spark terror and is panicking again." She quickly relayed to Ratchet before waking Swindle and getting him to move so Starscream wouldn't hurt him on accident.

Starscream clutched at her spark chamber venting heavily. Pain that was not her own pulsed through her spark. She sobbed. "Hurts... It hurts..." She hoarsely whispered.

Arcee heard her and hoped that everything was okay because she was not trained to fix anything to do with a spark chamber.

Starscream shivered, cold as could be. She had no idea what was going on. She closed her optics and tried to focus on her spark but she couldn't stop crying.

Arcee went to pull Starscream up into a sitting position to comfort her better, when Starscream shrieked as soon as she tried to move her.

Starscream panicked when Arcee touched her. She reacted by shrieking and swiped her arms accidentally scratching Arcee on the arm and face. She couldn't focus and it was hurting her.

Ratchet came running in with Optimus on his heels. He shooed Arcee away and took one glance before he started ordering both Optimus and Arcee. "Optimus grab Starscreams arms from behind. I need you to talk to Starscream, Arcee." He quickly gathered a spark scanner to see why Starscream was in such pain.

Optimus was pushed onto the berth by Ratchet, so he could hold Starscream still. He did what Ratchet asked and put his servos around the seekers chassis to pin Starscream's own down.

Starscream struggled in Optimus' arms going straight into hyperventilation.

Ratchet quickly injected a sedative into Starscream's arm and went about checking the spark chamber with his scanner.

Starscream became sluggish in Optimus' arms but was still not calming down.

Arcee spoke softly to Starscream.  "Your okay Starscream. It was just a dream. Everything's okay. Focus on Optimus's spark beat. In. Out. Can you do that?"

Starscream whimpered still feeling cold. "Cold... So... c...cold... pain... so much... pain... It hurts!" Starscream kicked a leg. Her body was trembling with cold. She wasn't looking at anyone nor was she hearing them. All she could see was white. All she could hear was roaring winds. Her wide, dull, unfocused optics kept pouring rivers of tears as she spoke one last word before uncontrollably sobbing and wailing. "Skyfire!"

Optimus held Starscream to his own chassis, while Ratchet told Arcee to stroke Starscream's wings gently, as he worked on figuring out what's wrong.

Swindle watched but finally had enough. He jumped onto Optimus' back and climbed to his shoulder. He started to sing.

After a minute Starscream's optics came back into focus and shuttered slightly. Her body slowly relaxing before she went limp in Optimus's hold. Her helm fell back onto Optimus's chassis falling back into a deep slumber.

Optimus gently loosened his hold on Starscream and let her use him as a form of pillow, warmth, and comfort. When all three were sure that Starscream was in a deep sleep, they slowly removed themselves from the vicinity, and placed her gently in a laying position on the berth again.

Swindle stayed on Optimus' shoulder until he was done singing, and looked up to the Prime. He clicked sadly, and spoke to Optimus and no other. "Star's hurting."

Optimus nodded at the minicon. "Indeed Swindle. Starscream has been through a lot since before the war. I can only hope there is a way to help our young friend." He looked to Ratchet. "Ratchet. Were you able to find out why Starscream was in pain?"

Ratchet nodded. "I believe I have, but I wish to wait until Starscream is awake to ask the questions I need answered."

Optimus nodded. "Very well." He looked to Arcee. "Thank you for your help Arcee. You did well. Get some recharge."

Arcee nodded. "Yes sir." She went to leave but paused. "Sir? Do you think Starscream can be helped?"

Optimus shuttered his optics. "I believe all sentient beings can be helped Arcee."

Arcee nodded before leaving. That was all she needed to hear.

"Let's all get some much needed recharge, Ratchet." Optimus told his friend.

Swindle hopped onto Starscream's bed, staying with her.

Ratchet and Optimus left to thier rooms to get some rest.

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