Chapter Forty!!!

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(Sorry took so long guys. I didn't want to put it up till I worked a little more on chapter 41 a bit. Also angst!!!! Enjoy!)

Soundwave sent a ground bridge to the Harbinger to let the two seekers into the base.

Knockout and Ratchet had just finished working on Skyfire and hoped he'd wake up. When they were done Ratchet asked questions about Starscream to Knockout.

"So Knockout how many times has Megatron sparked Starscream and terminated them?" He asked quietly.

Knockout stiffened before looking away. "Remember all those times Megatron would beat her up?"

Ratchet nodded. "I remember. Why?"

Knockout glared at the ground and fisted his servos. "Every time. If she survives this, this will be her first trine that he didn't kill. All those times she tried to kill him and lost to him, he would rape her in his room before beating her to a pulp. I had to fix her every time. There was even a time she gave up and told me not to help her. To let her die. I wanted to. I truly did, but Megatron wouldn't let me. He would have hurt me or Breakdown if I refused. Soundwave was always there to help us after every time since he's part seeker."

Ratchet almost broke one of his tools as he listened. "How? How is she still alive after all that?"

Knockout gulped down the 'rock' in his throat. "After her trine died, Shockwave tried to find a substitute to help her. Starscream said that no one could help her. But we found that rubbing circles on her wings helped quite a bit." He said softly as he actually did that. He smiled sadly. "It's not the same as a mate or a trine brother but it always did make her feel better. When Megatron found out, he mocked it by hurting her wings." He ground out looking angry.

Ratchet placed a servo on Knockout's shoulder. "You tried your best Knockout and I'm sure she knew it as well."

Knockout turned to him with watery optics. "But I didn't. It was my duty as a medic to protect my patients but I couldn't!" He silently cried as Ratchet pulled him close and let him cry into his chassis.

Soundwave looked over with uncovered optics. "Knockout," He spoke in his broken voice. "They're here."

Knockout looked up from Ratchet's chassis and gasped in surprise. He quickly wiped his optics. "Where?" He said.

Soundwave smiled slightly and looked to the door.

Knockout quickly went to the door before almost sobbing. He ran out the door and tackle hugged whoever was outside.

Ratchet spoke up to Soundwave. "Whose here?"

Soundwave only smiled for a moment. "Family."

(Sorry it's so short guys.)

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