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Swindle walked over to the berth that had Skyfire on it and climbed it. He watched as Ratchet shooed everyone out of the room and started to work on Skyfire.

Ratchet was appalled by the fact he had so much to work on with the poor unfortunate mech. Broken wiring, frozen cabling that was frayed, and even dented framing that was scattered about on the mech's wings and chassis. Looking inside his helm wasn't much better. He could only hope that the mech would even remember his time before he was frozen. Ratchet worried for when the mech woke up and he didn't remember anything. That would be a catastrophe.

In the living area, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead looked at each other.

Arcee spoke up. "Bumblebee? Do you want to get all the kids today?"

Bumblebee beeped and whirled agreeing. He quickly transformed and left the base through the back.

Bulkhead frowned. "What should I do?"

Arcee crossed her arms. "You can go with him if you want to. I'm going to stay here and watch the monitors. I'll take my time off when you guys get back." She smiled at Bulkhead a bit.

He smiled back. "If your alright with it 'Cee." He transformed and left afrer Bumblebee. Neither him nor Bumblebee seen Starscream and Optimus outside sitting on the ground together.

Optimus seen the two leaving and mentally thanked Primus for not letting them see Starscream in such a vulnerable state. He knew it would hurt her pride for the two to see her in such a way.

Starscream was still fast asleep in Optimus' arms with her helm tucked into his neck cablings.

Optimus gently picked her up while standing up. He quietly brought them inside. He passed Arcee and went into the med bay. He seen Swindle on the berth watching Ratchet work on Skyfire. He walked over to Starscream's med berth and laid her down gently. Thankfully she let go of him to sleep on the berth. He covered her up to keep her comfortable before walking over to Ratchet's side and picking up Swindle from the berth. He held him in his servo careful not to move him too fast. "How is he Ratchet?" He asked softly so as not to disturb Starscream.

Ratchet vented. "To be truthful Optimus, I'm surprised he's still online."

Optimus frowned. "You have doubts old friend?"

Ratchet nodded. "He shouldn't be alive anymore Optimus. He should've deactivated vorns ago. It's... by Primus a miracle!" He said in astonishment. He just couldn't believe it.

Optimus hummed. "Perhaps it's Starscream's spark that is keeping him online?" He asked.

Ratchet shook his head. "It would be impossible! But... maybe not all that possible either. It could indeed be her spark encouraging his to stay alive but I would habe to further study their bond to fully understand it. Not to mention I would have to wait until he wakes up."

Optimus nodded. "Very well. I shall leave you to it old friend. I will take Swindle here to the living area for the children to keep Swindle busy for now."

Swindle went to protest looking up at Optimus.

Optimus stopped his protest with a simple sentence. "We could all use something to keep us busy." He left the room and went to the living area.

Arcee saw him. "How is she?" She asked wondering hw Starscream was taking the news. If she had a spark mate that was still alive but thought deadshe would've been devastated.

Optimus vented. "She is hurting. I am sure in time she will feel better. She has opened up to us Arcee. We must take care of her until she is able to be free of Megatron once and for all. I fear if ge finds out about her carrying that he will either kill them or raise them to be perfect soldiers."

Arcee looked at him. "We won't let that happen Optimus. We will win. With the sparklings coming we just have more hope for the future of all Cybertronians." She smiles. "We can never give up."

Optimus smiled sadly. "Then let us help bring new life to our new home."

Arcee nodded.

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