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No-one noticed that Starscream's optics opened seeing them get along. She smiled tiredly and watched them for a few seconds before even thinking about saying something. "Soundwave..." She said softly feeling too weak to say anything else.

Soundwave's visor flashed in surprise before turning to see Starscream weakly smile at him on her berth. He got up from the berth and ran over to her and taking her servo into his as a question mark appeared on his visor. He watched as Starscream tried to sit up so she could see him better. He helped her sit up using his tentacles for support. He used Knockout's voice clip. "Screamer?"

Starscream scoffed quietly at that. She despised that horrible nickname, but... it made her feel a bit better. "I'm... fine, 'Wave..." She said softly. Her tanks let out a gurgle of hunger. She blushed lightly.

Optimus pulled out the last medical low grade cube he got earlier for Starscream and handed it to Soundwave. He watched as Soundwave helped Starscream drink her energon.

When the cube was finished off, Starscream smiled softly. "Thank you..." She was trying so hard not to fall asleep again. She could tell that she might be having her sparklings earlier than needed since she could feel their sparks dropping into her tanks to grow. All she could think was if only Thundercracker were there with her. Just thinking of her older brother made tears gather in her optics.

Soundwave could feel and hear her thoughts and spoke up letting go of his mechanical fake voice box. "They live, Starscream."

Starscream looked up at him stunned. She had never heard Soundwave's voice before. She knew that mechanical one wasn't his real voice! Knockout owed her a cube of high grade and a bottle of wax.

Optimus spoke up. "Who is still alive Soundwave?"

Soundwave spoke looking at Starscream paying close attention to her emotions. "Skywarp and Thundercracker are alive. Shockwave saved them when Megatron wasn't looking."

Starscream's optics widened. "But... Me... Megatron!"

Soundwave shook his head no. "He did not get their chambers, wings, or T-cogs. Shockwave and I made fakes using already dead seekers and parts we found to keep our secret safe. We wanted to save your trinemates just as much as my twins. Megatron went too far when he killed MY sparklings."

Starscream let her tears fall down her faceplate. "They... they live... My brothers live... But... but why can't I... feel them?" She asked spark broken.

Soundwave vented. "They are on Cybertron with Shockwave. They are too far for any bond to be felt. Trust me, I know." He said sadly.

Starscream looked up at him in shock and understanding. "Your bonded to Shockwave aren't you?"

Soundwave said nothing. His silence her answer.

"I'm so sorry Soundwave." Starscream hugged him with one arm.

Soundwave let her. "Starscream... you must survive. Please... we need you." He said softly. Under his visor, Soundwave cried silently. Tears fell, filling his visor a bit before dripping down his neck cables.

Starscream looked up at him sadly. "I don't know if I can. I'm already losing feeling to most of my body. My sparklings... they are developing too fast. I'm... I'm scared 'Wave. I want my brothers. I need them here with me." She said as her optics flickered slightly.

Soundwave removed his visor letting everyone see for the first time that he looked very worried even though he ad scars on most of his face. Tears still streamed down his light grey faceplate. His green optics wide with concern and shock.

Starscream reached up weakly and gently touched his faceplates and wiped a fallen tear. "Don't cry 'Wave. with me." She said before her arm fell and her optics closed falling into a deep sleep.

Soundwave panicked. "Star! Please hang on! I... I'll bring them to earth myself! I promise! Please... please don't fall into a coma... please..." He said in sorrow. He held her in his arms. His helm on her shoulder plate trying to stay together in one piece. He silently sent an S.O.S message to Shockwave saying Starscream needed her brothers on Earth ASAP. All he could do was hope was that it was enough.

Optimus left him alone and left the med bay while Ratchet tried to finish his work on Skyfire.

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