Valentines day

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It was a normal day to Starscream.

She had just gotten back from her night out flying and was nice and relaxed. She sighed happily with her wings fluttering a bit behind her. She yawned softly and went towards her room on the nemesis.

She opened the door and didn't look up when she yawned again. The door closed behind her as she walked in.

Blinking, she looked to her floor seeing flower petals.


Her optics moved to the line towards her berth to her bathroom. She walked towards her bathroom and seen a nice tub of hot bubble bath water with rose petals galore in it. Her optics widened.

"What is all this!?" She asked in surprise. She walked forward seeing a note on the rim of her bath and picked it up.

Dear Starscream,

Enjoy a relaxing bath of scented oils to help you sleep tonight. ~
                   With love,
                         Megatron ❤️

Starscream blushed brightly.  She was not expecting something like this from her leader. Than again it was better than being beaten up.

She put the note down and gently got into the tub. She purred feeling the warmth enter her cold frame. She sighed in relief and relaxed. Her optics closed as she leaned back completely soaking in the large tub.

She didn't realize that two hours had passed as she laid there. She had fallen asleep in the tub.

Someone came into her room and noticed that she looked so peaceful. They gently picked her up out of the tub. They got a cute whine of protest from the seeker. They chuckled softly and gently dried her off and drained the tub. They gently picked her up and brought her to her berth laying her down. They got a blanket and covered her up. They gently kissed her dermas and pulled away. "Sleep well my little seeker. I love you."

Starscream stirred curling into a ball for warmth.

They chuckled and left the room for the night.

Soundwave was waiting outside the door. A question mark appeared on his screen.

They looked to Soundwave. "Starscreams asleep. Found him in the tub about to nosedive into the water."

Soundwave nodded. "Megatron. Rest?"

Megatron nodded. "I'll be heading to my room for the night. You should get some rest as well old friend." He left.

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