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Bulkhead and Bumblebee came back with the kids.

Jack got out of Bumblebee with Raf, while Miko got out of Bulkhead. The three walked over to their little space. Miko flopping down in her spot pouting.

Arcee seen this and spoke up. "What's wrong Miko?"

Miko sighed. "I have to go home early today."

Jack chuckled from where he sat. "Your just upset that you have to go back because your host parents found out you got expelled for three days from school."

Arcee's optics widened. "What happened?"

Raf sniffled rubbing one of his eyes. "It's my fault... Vince was picking on me and Miko came and punched him. Jack wasn't there in time to stop her."

Arcee vented. "Well at least noone got seriously hurt."

Swindle chirped from his spot in Optimus' servo as he, himself, stayed quiet.

Optimus let the minicon down onto the small platform where the children were on.

Swindle ran over to plop on the couch beside Miko and exaggeratedly cried throwing a servo over his optics and tilting his head back onto Miko's shoulder.

Miko giggled and lightly pushed (more like shoved) him off her. "What's up with you little red?"

Swindle stuck out his tongue out at her.

Optimus smiled slightly at the sight before leaving the room to check on Ratchet's work on Skyfire and to see if Starscream was alright.

Swindle noticed Optimus leave as did Arcee.

Bulkhead and Bumblebee were trying to play a game with Jack and Raf so they didn't notice their leader's absence.

Meanwhile in the Decepticon headquarters...

A loud roar could be heard throughout the nemisis.

Knockout yelped, dropping his tool that was in his servo. He was startled by the roar from his leader. He looked up at his leader hiding his trembling frame. "I'm sorry Lord Megatron but... but Starscream hasn't even been back here or... or even heard from him!" He flinched a bit when Megatron turned his burning purple optics towards Knockout.

"FIND STARSCREAM OR SOMEONE WILL MEET MY CANNON TO THE FACEPLATES!" Megatron yelled into the little red mech's faceplates.

Soundwave was beside Megatron visibly tense from his Master's words.

"Y..yes my... my Lord... Meg... Megatron!" Knockout stuttered turning and running from his med bay to the nearest groundbridge.

Megatron turned to his most Loyal subject. "I trust that you will do a better job than that medic, Soundwave." He spat the word medic with disgust.

"Yes LORD Megatron." Soundwave played three clips of voices. One Knockout, one Starscream, and one Prime. (*A/N bet no-one can tell which is which.*)

Pleased, Megatron smiled his deep menacing smile and said one word. "Dismissed."

Soundwave bowed his helm and turned away to get to work.

Megatron left the med bay and went to his room. "Soon Starscream. Soon you will be back in my ranks and under my pedes."

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