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Optimus and Ratchet were walking side by side, with Ratchet a tiny bit behind Optimus. They were looking for Starscream and Bumblebee as they had lost sight of the two mechs.

Optimus stopped walking as he heard chattering of a bot and some beeping and clicking he didn't understand yet. He looked to Ratchet to see if he too heard the chattering. He got a nod from his old friend.

Starscream was so busy talking to Swindle that he bumped right into Optimus with a yelp. He would have fallen if Optimus hadn't grabbed his arms to keep him standing and steady. Starscream quickly backed away and apologized. "I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

Optimus nodded. "It's alright Starscream. You didn't know I was behind the corner you turned. Have you seen Bumblebee?"

Ratchet butted in. "I would like to know who or what you were talking to that caused you to bump into Optimus."

Starscream blinked. "To answer you Optimus, no I have not seen your... scout. Now as to whom I was talking to well that would be my minicon, Swindle." He held out his servo for Swindle to jump onto amd held him out for both bots to see.

Swindle beeped excitedly and jumped onto Optimus' chasis and crawled up to his shoulder. He clicked happily and waved at Starscream and Ratchet.

Starscream chuckled. "Swindle says hello. He is also glad to finally meet more bots besides myself. Apparently being in the Harvenger all this time with no one to have fun with,  he got extremely bored. I'm warning you both, watch out for random wires. He is very tricky and loves to prank and trick others." He looked at Swindle on Optimus' shoulder. "He seems to like you Optimus Prime. I have already told him your offer to me. I hope it can extend to my dear little friend since the only loyalty he has is to me as we are bonded."

Ratchet's optics widened. "Bonded?! But how?!" He was obviously doubting their bond.

Starscream cleared his vocalizer. "Well we aren't bonded like that of sparkmates if that is what you are asking. We can combine and he can't be used by someone else. We are like Laserbeak and Soundwave. Those two are inseparable, but can live apart from each other if needed for survival. I've been keeping Swindle hidden from Megatron so he couldn't use him."

Optimus hummed. "You care about this young mech that much Starscream?" Optimus was glad that Starscream could actually be changed.

Starscream nodded. "He's my friend. I'm not going to let that slagger, Megatron, use him for war."

Swindle beeped and clicked. Starscream was the only one to understand him at the moment though, so when the seeker blushed neon blue, Optimus and Ratchet became curious.

Starscream glared at Swindle with the blush still on his faceplate. "And you would know that I definitely wouldn't let that happen, Swindle!" He vented calming himself and ignoring Swindle. "Excuse Swindle and let's continue with what I was originally coming to tell you." He looked to Ratchet.  "I believe you may find Shockwave's cloning chambers and the med bay to be useful...Ratchet." He then looked at Optimus. "You on the other hand Optimus Prime... there is a supply room full of energon and another chamber with four containers of red energon. Perhaps you can find it useful against Megatron."

Optimus nodded. "Thank you, Starscream.  I will contact the  base and get Bulkhead to bring my trailer."

Swindle beeped and clicked happily. He jumped over to Starscream's shoulder and put his tiny servos and faceplate on Starscream's cheek almost pouting.

Starscream vented and rolled his optics. "Fine. I'll ask." He cleared his vocalizers and looked to Optimus.  "Swindle would like to know if the human hatchlings will be able to come as well. You see, he's never seen a human so he is curious and excited by the chance to meet some." As an after thought Starscream then added to what he said, "I promise I will not let any harm come to the hatchlings, nor will I hurt any of them. I swear on the Allspark."

Optimus thought about it. "Very well. I will ask Bulkhead to bring the children. They would be interested to meet a bot their size." Optimus got in contact with his base and asked of what he needed. Not too long after Bulkhead came through the ground bridge with the trailer and the kids; Jack, Miko, and Raf.

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