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Starscream's optics widened at Swindle's beepings and clickings and he stumbled back a second with a servo on his spark. "My word! Swindle! I told you not to mess with anything on the ship that could make Megatron curious! You are in so much trouble now Swindle!" Starscream growled and went to grab Swindle.

Swindle beeped, transformed, and started driving away.

"Not fair Swindle! You know I can't transform!" Starscream yelled at him as he tried to catch his minicon. Starscream yelped when he couldn't stop himself from hitting the wall. He rubbed his helm sitting up, groaning.

All Bumblebee heard was taunting beeps and clicking. He would've been laughing but he knew Starscream wasn't in top shape yet.

"Oh har har. Laugh all you want little glitch. I'll catch you and make you eat your own words!" Starscream glared to his right where the little minicon was. Then the surprising happened, he cracked a smile and laughed. I mean full blown laughed, as he fell back onto the floor holding his chasis, as Swindle transformed and did the same. "Hahaha! You...ha! You honestly. ..thought I'd... hahaha! Fragging fool!" Starscream pointed at Swindle laughing at him.

Swindle got up and ran at Starscream, jumping onto his faceplate. He earned a yelp from Starscream and was picked up with two servos.

Starscream chuckled. "Got you! Hehehe! You are very easy to trick my young friend. Oh alright! You can sit on my shoulder until we find Optimus and his two associates." Starscream got up and rubbed his chasis. "Hitting walls is not fun Swindle." He paused listening to the young minicon. "True... I have been meaning to ask. Was it your doing that my signal was weak when the medic and Prime found me the first time?"

Swindle looked dowm and pointed at Starscream's stomach area and spark chamber. He clicked a few times before beeping.

Starscream's optics widened slightly before a resigning look crossed him. He vented letting his shoulders droop. "Figures. Should I?" He looked at his minicon with a worried look. All he got was a shrug. "Do you think that was the reason for me being sick for the past two weeks?" He received a nod and then a shrug. "Well then I suppose it is only fair to make sure the autobots are fully and well stocked with the supplies aboard the ship. If the autobots do allow us to stay with them, we will have to keep ourselves away from the decepticons so Megatron doesn't find us. I hate that mech with my whole spark." Starscream fisted his digits and vented, calming himself down, before walking to the door. "Let's go find the three autobots shall we?"

Bumblebee hid himself as Starscream walked by and left to find Optimus and Ratchet. Bumblebee really hoped taking in Starscream wasn't a bad idea, for all their sakes.

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