Chapter 4

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Hey guys! So to make up for taking forever with the last chapter, I made sure I had this one done, so I could immediately update afterwards! So I hope you guys like it! But first, I would like to dedicate this chapter to pokemonlover2! She is my first voter in this book! Yay! I'm so excited! Not for the catching up part . . . . but the people liking me part! So anyway, love you pokemonlover2! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

"Natsu!" I yelled at him as I ran after him, trying not to trip over any rocks or tree roots. "Get back here!" But he didn't seem to hear me, and kept running after the wolves.

'Damn it Natsu!'

I yelled at him in my head. But then my foot caught a tree root, and I fell and rolled down the hill that I was running on top of. I then found out how steep it was as I rolled down until I reached the bottom. I laid still for a few moments as the dizziness was consuming my head. After a while I was able to push myself up to my hands and knees. Then all of a sudden I heard a snapping noise from the right of me. I looked and saw glowing green eyes staring at me, and then more eyes followed.

'Did they circle back around?'

I thought as I stood up and went to grab my keys, but they weren't in my hip. And I realized then, that I was screwed.


POV: Natsu

I ran into the woods and tried to keep up with the wolves, in order to get them as far away from the town as I could.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled from behind me, her voice sounding distant. "Get back here!" But I didn't listen I kept running and chasing the wolves. After a little while longer, I lost them and finally stopped.

'That should be far enough for now.'

I thought as I turned around, and started heading back towards the town. Then I heard a loud and extremely painful scream from far in front of me. It sounded like Lucy.

"Lucy!" I yelled as I took off towards her scream. I ran and ran until I saw Erza and Gray running, with Happy flying, as fast as they could towards where the scream came from as well. Then I saw Lucy crawling up the edge of the hill, and I could see the look on her face was pure fear. She clawed at the earth to help her up the edge of the hill, and when she finally got up to try and run, there was blood covering her practically head to toe. So much that I wanted to gag from the smell. She tried to run but was to scared to watch where she was going and fell.

"Lucy!" We yelled at the same time. She looked to both of her sides at Gray, Erza, and Happy then to me. The next thing she looked at was the hill as the whole pack of wolves came flying over the edge of the hill and went running at Lucy.

"Lucy!" Happy yelled and went flying towards her at max speed, but wasn't fast enough. The brown wolf with the crow feathers rammed it's side into Happy and he went flying into a tree.

"Happy!" I yelled, but when I looked back at Lucy, the wolves jumped on her and my ears were flooded with the sound of her screams. "Lucy!" I yelled and ran forwards towards her as did Erza and Gray. Then when I was about to jump over the top of the wolves to try and grab her, I watched the largest wolf wrap his mouth around her neck. With her screaming in pain, the large wolf looked over at me and flung his head to the side and making Lucy's body be flung in the same direction. But she wasn't screaming anymore. Because she no longer had a throat.

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