Chapter 5

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Hey guys! So this is a really short chaoter, like I'm pretty sure this is the shortest chapter that I have ever wrote. So sorry about that. But there's nothing I can really do about it, so let's move on! I would like to dedicate this chapter to ilovefoxy4! She is a new follower! Yeah! You guys know I love me some new followers! So love you ilovefoxy4! Love you guys! Enjoy this short chapter!


POV: Ezra

I watched as Lucy stared out the window, with Natsu's head in her lap while he tried not to throw up. From where she sat I could tell that she was watching the sunset, and the way she looked at it she looked as if she wanted it to take her with it. She leaned her head against the wall of the train, as she played with Natsu's hair, and I could tell she had spaced out. Probably wondering what had happend to her. And why it had to be her.

"We should be home in a few minutes." Gray said as he walked up to our seats, making Lucy jump. Gray then handed her a water bottle.

"Thanks." She said, as she took it and drank from it. Her voice had started to disappear not long after we got on the train, and we couldn't blame her. It wasn't her fault that she ended up screaming the way that she did.

"How are we even going to tell the Guild what happened?" Happy asked.

"I don't know, we should probably tell Master first." I said.

"Yeah he might know what's going on more than we do." Gray said.

"I hope so." Lucy said as she continued to watch the sun set. Then when the train stopped is when I watched the light disappear from Lucy's face, as the sun disappeared for the night.

"Finally!" Natsu cheered as he sat up. We all stood and walked off of the train and immediately started heading for the Guild. I looked over at Lucy, and saw that she was staring at the ground as we walked.

"Lucy, are you okay?" I asked. She didn't answer, and didn't seem to hear me. I walked over to her. "Lucy?" I asked, as I placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and let out a small scream. We then looked at her as she steadied her breathing and calmed down.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Happy asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She answered as he hugged her chest. "I guess I was just really deep in thought."

"What we're you thinking about?" Gray asked, and we continued to walk towards the Guild.

"The wolves, my attack, the whole day really." She answered, as we were able to see the Guild. "I guess I'm just scared."

"About what?" Natsu asked.

"What's going to happen to me." She said and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Don't worry Luce!" Natsu said, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We're not going to let anything happen to you."

"That's right." Gray said.

"You got nothing to worry about." I said gave Lucy a smile.

"Aye!" Happy said. Lucy then smiled.

"Thanks guys."

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now