Chapter 29

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Hello! And welcome to the second to last chapter! This chapter is a little bit of bullshit, just because I don't want to end this story with an odd amount of chapters! My OCD is kicking my ass today. So we're about to be done! I'm so excited! And cutting to the case! I would like to dedicate this chapter to Fries2397! She is a new follower! Yay! And without further a due. Love you Fries2397! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody

Lucy opened her mouth and Ethan's lifeless body fell and slammed to the ground.


Alex called out in her head as she climbed out of the hole. But there was nothing that she could do. Ethan was dead. And the fight was finally over. All of Lucy's Spirits gathered around Lucy, and the rest of the Natives went to Alex. Lucy turned to them and stood tall. Alex looked at her and even though she was barely shorter than Lucy, she still felt so small. Lucy then lunged at the Natives and they all turned and ran out their guild doors, and into the forest.

'This nightmare is finally over.'

Lucy thought, and turned back to her Spirit's.

'You can go now.'

Lucy told them. But they just stood there, looking a little shocked after a moment.

'What's wrong?'

Lucy asked.

'We can't go back.'

Loke thought and looked at Lucy.


Lucy questioned.

'We can't go back.'

Aquarius repeated.

'Why not?'

'Because you have bended the rules my old friend.'

A voice said in Lucy's head, and the Spirits heard it too.

'Celestial Spirit King! What do you mean that I have bent the rules?'

Lucy thought, shocked.

'The rules say that Celestial Spirits can not stay in the human world for to long. But now they aren't just Celestial Spirits anymore. As long as they are bound to you.'

The Celestial Spirit King said.

'Does that mean, they can stay here. Without having to worry about dying?'

Lucy asked.

'That's right.'

The Celestial Spirit King answered.

'Why are they stuck?'

Lucy asked.

'Something is interfering with the connection between our two worlds.'

'That might be me.'

Kenia spoke up, but only Lucy could hear her.

'Great, but they will be fine here?'

Lucy said concerned.


'Well then we'll have to figure this out later. Right now I have to get these guys home.'

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now