Chapter 24

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Hiya! And here is another chapter! Yay! And fair warning, you might get slightly emotional. And you'll probably hate me. So get tissues ready! Maybe. I don't know, depends on how well you take things. But please be ready for this chapter, because this is where this escalate quite quickly. And it's going to be all over the place for the rest of the book. All about 6 chapter that's left. I don't really know how many are actually left yet, I just know I'm aiming for a total of 30. But until then! I would like to dedicate this chapter to stephbellette0912! She is a new follower! Yay! Love you stephbellette0912! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

"No!" Lucy screamed as she watched her friends being tortured right in front of her. And she couldn't do a thing. After what seemed like an eternity for the Fairy Tail Mages, Kyler finally stopped with Ethan's signal.

"I think that might be enough." Ethan told Kyler. "We wouldn't want them dead just yet."

"Yes sir." Kyler said and dropped his arms to his side. I breathed in a sharp breath, as I saw just how much damage Kyler had brought my friends. They were all breathing hard as blood fell from their skin, and they were shaking with pain. Though Kyler didn't use real bullets, they were still sharp enough to break skin.

'Damn it.'

I looked down at the ground, not being able to look at them any longer without my chest wanting to crush. Then the door to my cell opened and Ethan stepped in, releasing me from my bonds, and my arms fell to my sides. Once he touched my arm to get me up off the floor, I snapped. I grabbed Ethan and rolled him onto his back, I got on top of him and went to attack him. But I was stopped when something smacked hard against the back of my neck, and I fell to my side, paralyzed. Ethan rolled me off of him and I could see that Kyler had been standing behind me.

'He shot me!'

"Thank you Kyler." Ethan said as Kyler helped him up. Then Kyler dragged me into the cell that held everyone. Ethan then closed the cell door behind him and walked to the other side of the hallway and stood in front of a closed window.

"Shouldn't you chain her up Ethan?" Vallorie asked, looking disappointed.

"Not at all, her wolf side is close to taking over. And if I'm right, and I know I am. Then the next time she turns, will be her last before a decision is made." Ethan said, and then opened the window and part of the moon was showing, hiding behind the clouds. My eyes widened as I felt my skin crawling and I groaned in slight pain. "Which would be now." I stared at the moon hoping that clouds would come to my rescue and block it out before I started to fully turn, that way I wouldn't change. But not all wishes come true.

"But she could still go wild." Kyler said, looking at me as I shook.

"Exactly." Ethan said. "She's going to kill her friends." I gasped and stared at Ethan, then looked at Natsu and the others and they were staring at me.

"Ooooh!" Vallorie cooed in excitement. "Do we get to stay and watch?"

"No, I think it might be best if we don't distract her." Ethan said, and Vallorie whined in disappointment. "I know, but she's different from other decedents. We got to be careful with this one."

"Go to hell!" I yell, but it sounded a bit more like a growl. Ethan smirked and looked out the window and checked on the moon.

"Well why don't we leave her be?" Ethan said. "We should probably let her say her last goodbyes." Ethan then lead Kyler and Vallorie up the stairs. Then once the door shut I turned my head towards my friends. And they were all looking at me.

"I'm so sorry." I said, just above a whisper.

"Now Lu, don't think like that." Levy said.

"We still have a chance to escape, right Gajeel?" Juvia asked and turned her head just enough to look at Gajeel.

"I don't think so." He said. " I can't reach the chains, and even if I could I wouldn't be able to eat them. That bitch blocked all our Magic's. I can't eat it."

"Couldn't you fight against it?" Erza asked me and I shook my head.

"It's grown to strong." I said. "I won't have control."

"So your other side is really going to kill us." Mira asked. I looked at her and started crying.

"Lucy, I don't want to die." Happy said as he started crying and I cried harder.

"I know Happy." I say not looking at them.

"Then fight it!" Natsu said and I looked up at him and saw that he was scared, but he was also determined. "You want something, you got to fight for it!" I checked the moon and I only had a few more seconds before it would come out fully for the night. "You want to be in control then fight damn it!" Natsu screamed at me and I couldn't say anything. "I can't lose you." He whispered. I whipped my head in his direction.

"Natsu-." I started to say, but got cut off when my body started changing.


POV: Natsu

Lucy backed up against the corner, where she was covered in a shadow just enough so that we couldn't see her. But we could see her hands and feet. Her hands and feet stretched, her nails grew and then her hands balled up and turned into a paw. I looked up from her paws to her face, where golden eyes were glowing. Lucy slowly stepped out of the shadows and she was once again a six foot tall wolf. She took a few steps closer towards me.

'Come on Luce, please.'

Lucy then lunged at me and wrapped her teeth around my neck.

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now