Chapter 28

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Hello! And welcome to the second to last chapter, I think. I don't quite know just yet. But I will by the next chapter. But I do know that this is the last chapter that anyone will be fighting in! And I can't wait to see what you guys think! I'm so excited, and please let me know what you think. I would love to know your guy's reactions. But for now, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Chelsea_Doig_01! She is a new follower! Yay! Love you Chelsea_Doig_01! Love you guys! Enjoy this badass chapter!


POV: Nobody

'Only for you, would I be so stupid.'

Kenia thought, and laid down besides Lucy and rolled to her side and sank into Lucy's body. Lucy closed her eyes, and her body began to glow. The Natives turned their heads back to Lucy's body as they watched her stand up, all of her wounds healing.

'How is that possible?'

Ethan screamed in his head, furious that Lucy wouldn't stay down. Lucy's eyes opened, one was chocolate brown the other golden.

"Ella." She said and both Lucy and Kenia's voice could be heard. Ella jumped down off the stage and went to Lucy. Lucy put her hand up and petted the side of Ella's face. "Go home." Lucy told her.

'Are you sure?'

Ella asked, sounding a bit nervous.

"Yes, your father misses you. And I have everything covered here." Lucy said as she looked at Ethan. Ella nodded and ran out of the Guild. Heading home.

'Take care, Lucy.'

Ella thought to her, her voice quiet as she got further away.

'You too Ella.'

Lucy thought just before Ella was out of range of non-pack telepathy.

'Don't you ever give up?'

Ethan asked.

"I am a Fairy Tail Mage." Lucy said. "We don't ever give up." Then there was ten golden beams shine all around Lucy, slightly blinding the Natives. Once the light faded out they looked to see all of the Zodiacs that Lucy had. Natsu and everyone stared in horror at what Lucy had just done. She had summoned ten spirits, without using a single key.

'What is this?'

Ethan demanded.

"This is my Magic." Lucy answered, hers and Kenia's voice echoing in the room. "And thanks to you, I can do so much more." The Zodiacs then started to shift, and their skin seemed to crawl. But they were not in pain as they transferred from their Spirit form into their new wolf form. Everyone in the room stared at the group in complete and utter shock at what they just saw.

Loke was now a light brown wolf. Aries was white with pink fluffy fur around her neck and paws. Aquarius was blue and her fur seemed to flow more like water. Scorpio was red with white fur going down his spine, his belly, and his paws he also had on a flower like red collar with gold trimming and his tail looked like a scorpions stinger. Virgo was purple, and had a spiked collar around her neck that had a chain that almost touched the ground. Sagittarius was brown and had longer black fur going down his spine and covered his tail. Cancer was black with the tips of his fur red and had extremely long and extra sharp claws. Taurus was white with black splotches all over his body, and an axe was attached to the end of his tail. Capricorn was all white and had on his sunglasses. And Gemini was two separate wolves one white, the other black. And they were all seven feet tall.

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now