Chapter 17

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Bello! And welcome to a new chapter! Sorry this one took me a tiny while to write, I had major writers block for a few hours and I wanted to punch something. But no more writers block for now, so yeah! And so I would like to dedicate this chapter to hebaelshawarby! She is a new follower! Yeah! Love you hebaelshawarby! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

"What do you mean your death?" Gray asked me, as I sat at a table with Gray, Juvia, Erza, Mira, Gajeel, Erza, Natsu, and Happy.

"I asked the same thing." I said. "And it said that if a descendent didn't give in and the wolf took over, the descendent doesn't just switch places with the wolf. The descendent dies, and the wolf is the only thing that will exist."

"So you'll die?" Happy asked me.

"If I don't give in, eventually yes." I said. I looked down at my lap, and thought to myself for a moment.

"Is there something else?" Erza asked.

"When my wolf side told me this, it didn't sound aggressive." I said.

"What do you mean?" Juvia asked me.

"It sounded more like a warning then a threat." I said. "Like it's trying help me, not kill me."

"That doesn't mean it's not." Natsu said.

"Natsu's right, it might just be trying to get to you." Erza said.

"But if it was, it would be telling to fight it, to not except it." I said. "Because if I keep fighting it, I will die and my wolf side will take over." I said and everyone went quiet for a minute.

"Lucy, you have to give in." Natsu said.

"No, I can't." I said.

"Why not?" Erza asked.

"Because I don't want to be this. What if there is a cure but it can only be used if the descendent hasn't given in?" I said. "I know I'm probably being selfish, but this is my body, my life. And I don't want this."

"Juvia doesn't believe that you're being selfish." Juvia said. "Juvia thinks that you're fighting for a good reason."

"That's not helping." Gray snapped.

"Hey!" Gajeel yelled.

"Gray!" Mira said.

"What?" He asked. "We're supposed to be helping her right? Well if Lucy doesn't except that she is a Werewolf she's going to die. And then Juvia is saying that its a good idea to fight back, when it's only going to kill Lucy."

"That's still no reason to snap at her like that." Gajeel said, and I couldn't sit there anymore. I stood up and ran out of the Guild and down the street until I was at the edge of a forest. I stared at it and breathed in the scent of the pine.


A voice said inside my head.


I asked it.

'Just do it, it will make you feel better.'

It told me.

'How do I know that I can trust you?'

I asked.

'Because I am apart of you. Always have been, always will be.'

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