Chapter 13

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Hey guys! So this chapter, to be honest, is just bullshit. Like it's me half writing for the story, and then the other half is just for nonsense. This is both. But I hope you guys like it anyway, the next chapter will be way different and a lot more action. Not fighting action, but the kind where you're going to be like "WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DID THIS CHAPTER HAVE TO END? RIGHT THERE?" kind of action. I don't know if that is 100% accurate though, because I have no clue how I'm going to end the next chapter yet. And in fact I have no clue how I'm going to be getting from here to the really really fun/ exciting part where you're going to want to stab my eyeballs out. Which I'm excited for that part! I can't wait till we get there! Which might actually be soon. I know that I have said this every time I write a story, but I don't think this time is going to be as long as the other stories. You know the part where it's 40 chapters long! I don't think it's going to be that long, but at the same time I don't know. So hopefully it will be that long, because I like writing that long of stories. But we will just have to wait and see! So I would like to dedicate this chapter to CATERXTAKIS! She is a new follower! Yay! Love you CATERXTAKIS! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

I slowly stood up, not losing eye contact with Lucy.

"Natsu?" Erza said quietly.

"Shh." I said and slowly backed up and away from Lucy, and she followed. I backed out of the infirmary and out into the Guild Hall.

"Guys, something's wrong." I said, then everyone slowly moved out from behind me and let me keep walking. Never once did she take her eyes off me, I continued to carefully back out of the Guild doors.

"Natsu." Erza said quietly behind Lucy." Bisca and Alzac are ready if needed."

"Tranquilizer only." Bisca asurred.

"Well I guess were about to find out." I said. "Happy!" I said, and ran at Lucy. She opened her mouth and snapped at me, but I dodged it and jumped on top of her, and onto her back. Then I jumped into the air and was caught by Happy. He started flying in the direction of the woods and I looked back at Lucy to see she was running after us.


POV: Erza

Happy started flying towards the woods with Natsu in his arms and Lucy right behind him. Bisca and Alzac both got down on one knee and summoned their tranquilizer rifles and took aim.

"Ready?" Bisca asked.

"When ever you are." Alzac said.

"On my count." Bisca said. "One, two, three!" Bisca said and they both fired their guns and hit Lucy with the tranquilizer. Lucy hit the ground and rolled a few times before shaking it off and running again.

"That's not good." Alzac said, as he and Bisca exchanged looks.

"What?" Mira asked. "What's not good?"

"We just shot Lucy with two tranquilizers, and she didn't go down." Bisca said.

"She's a Werewolf, maybe it just takes time." Levy said.

"You better hope it does." Alzac said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"One of those tranquilizer shots are enough to take down an elephant." Alzac said. "We both hit her, so if she doesn't go down . . . ."

"We better start praying that Natsu can outsmart her and keep her away from people." Bisca said.

"So basically he's screwed." Gray said.

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