Chapter 27

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Hello! And welcome to what I probably going to be the 2nd saddest chapter in the entire story! And I'm sorry! But it is going to be so awesome! And I am so very much excited! So excited in fact that I'm going to cut this intro short. So I would like to dedicate this chapter to fire_and_keys! She is a new follower! Yeah! So I love you fire_and_keys! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody

Lucy was taken aback on what it was that Ethan had just said.

'What soul?'

'Oh did I not explain that?'

Ethan thought in an incident voice.

'Silly me, every descendent has two souls. One human, the other wolf. The rules still apply when it comes to giving in, or being taken over. But if , or I guess I should really say when, you lose your battle your soul will be gone and the other will take control.'

Lucy stood shocked a what it was that she was hearing.

'Why do you think there is another voice in your head?'

'So the voice inside my head and my other half . . . . . . is another life?'

'Not exactly but I guess that's a good way to explain it, yes.'

Ethan said.

'Is that true?'

Lucy asked the voice in her head.


'Why didn't you tell me?'

Lucy demanded.

'I didn't want to make it harder on you.'

It said.

'That's no excuse!'

Lucy argued.

'If you are your own soul, does that mean you have a name?'


The voice said hesitating a bit before answering.

'What is it?'

Lucy asked and the voice hesitated again.

'That doesn't matter.'

'Doesn't matter? Doesn't matter! I have a voice, another living soul, living inside my head! And you're telling me that your name doesn't matter?'

Lucy screamed, and the voice remained silent.

'What is, your name?'

The voice still remained silent for a few moments.

'Kenia.' (Like the country.)

The voice said.

'My name is Kenia.'

Lucy stared at the floor and tears could be seen I her eyes.

'This is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew it would make it harder for you if I told you that I was more than just a voice. I told you that I respect the you were here first rule. And I intend to keep it that way.'

Lucy thought to herself for a few moments and asked Kenia what seemed to be that most important question.

'Is there anyway I can save you? Without me dying?'

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now