Chapter 19

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Hey guys! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time! I have been having a hard time at home recently and everything has just been a major clusterfuck for me. That and I just wasn't in the mood to write for the longest time, along with I also didn't know exactly what I wanted to happen in this chapter. Well I did I just didn't know how to write it out. So I'm really sorry, but putting all that aside, I have a big announcement! I HAVE REACHED 300 FOLLOWERS!!! That's so fucking cool! Although I am really confused of why people like me so much. Why? I'm not very interesting. Wait hold on I'm getting news from my manager . . . . . that. . . . . . people don't actually like 'me', and that they like my stories . . . . . . well then! Anyway my 300th follower along with the one that I am dedicating this chapter to is beemo25! She is my 300th follower! so thank you very much! Love you beemo25! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody (Focusing on Lucy)

The blonde wolf paced back and forth in front of the door of her cage as she silently tried to figure a way out of it. The floor boards in the ceiling creaked and the wolf stopped pacing as it looked up the ceiling. It sniffed the air and it's ears twitched. Then there was a 'bang' from the floor above it, the wolf jumped from the sudden noise. Then shouting and more 'banging' noises.

'Are they really fighting at this time of night?'

Lucy thought from inside the wolf as it ignored the noise, and continued to find a way out. But then there was another loud noise.

'That didn't sound good.'

Lucy thought and a scream like cry was heard through the cracks in the floor. But then a smell drifted down along with the noise.

'The Natives!'

Lucy thought and became alert as her wolf side continued to ignore it.

'Damn it, why aren't you doing anything?'

Lucy yelled inside her head, but the wolf ignored her too, because it couldn't hear her. For Lucy's other self was practically a walking zombie.

'Come on! I have to help them . . . . . some how.'

Lucy thought to herself as she took a moment to think.

'Alright, looks like we have to do this the hard way.'

Lucy then pushed herself through the barrier and passed the wolf, trading places with it. Lucy then blinked a few time before shaking her head and looking around, she examined the cage door.

'Lucy, what are you doing?'

The wolf thought to her. Then there was a loud 'bang' again, and Lucy's breathing sped up. She backed up as far as she could from the door and then ran at it, ramming her side into it. It bulged out a little but wasn't enough for Lucy to get through while she was a six foot tall wolf.

'Lucy, you weren't supposed to force me away!'

She backed up again and rammed her side into the door again, and it bent outwards even further. But was still not enough. Lucy listened for anymore noise come from upstairs, but there was none.

'Lucy, you're to weak to keep me away for long! Stop while you still have a chance!'

Lucy backed up once more and stared at the mostly broken cage door.

'Why? So that my Guild members can he killed by the Natives? I don't think so!'

Lucy then lunged at the door again. And this time the door broke off its hinges.

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now