Chapter 21

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Hello! And welcome back to another chapter. I know so many of you are excited because the story is really getting good! Even I'm excited! But I can't tell you why. Even though I really want to! But if there's anything useful I can do, that's bite my tounge. And my cheek. While I'm eating. Multiple times. But the story is coming in for a landing, don't worry we still got planning for just over 30 chapters. Just be ready! But trust me, you won't be. Anyway, I know you want to get to the story again so, I would like to dedicate this chapter to secret-writer-chan! She is a new follower! Yay! Love you secret-writer-chan! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

I sat at the bar with everyone else as we waited for Gramps to be done talking with Lucy. I looked out the Guild doors and saw that the sun was near setting. And we had no idea what we were going to do with Lucy. Then finally Gramps's office door opened and he came down the stairs. Without Lucy.

"Hey Gramps." I said as he sat down at the bar with us. "Where's Luce?" I asked. He took a sip of beer and looked out the doors to look at the sky.

"She should be there by now." He said to himself.

"She should be where?" Gray asked him, as everyone turned to looked at Gramps waiting for the answer.

"The Magic Council." He answered.

"What?" I said as I stood up, knocking over my bar stool, which got everyone's attention.

"Lucy left secretly out the back door to a carriage that would take her to the Magic Council." Gramps said. "She left this morning."

"When did this get discussed?" Erza questioned.

"The day she came to me to talk about locking her up." Gramps said.

"I didn't hear that." I said.

"That's because I put a spell on the door." Gramps looked at me. "I told her that I would send a letter to the Magic Council and tell them what was going on. And she made me promise that if it went to far, I would send her to the Magic Council."

"How could you send her like that?" I yelled.

"You think I wanted to?" Gramps asked me back. "I did it to protect the rest of the Guild. And you."

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, you." Gramps said taking another sip of beer. "You are the only one in the Guild that won't fight back against Lucy. And you have gotten hurt twice already. Lucy wanted this more than anything to protect the rest of you."

"I can't believe this." I said and ran out of the Guild, straight for Lucy's appartment.

'There's no way that she left.'

When I got there I crawled up through the window since it was still open, and landed on the bed.

"Lucy!" I called and looked everywhere. "Lucy!" I called again. But there was no answer. I looked in every room and she wasn't here. I came back into her room and saw something on her desk. I walked over to her desk and on it was a letter. It said 'Natsu' on the front of it.

'How did I not see this before?'

I picked it up, and opened it.


If you're reading this, it means things have gotten much worse and I have already left for the Magic Council. Even though I am gone, I knew you would probably be the first one to come to my appartment, whether you believed Master or not. Please don't be mad, at Master for not telling anyone, or me for leaving. I just don't want to hurt any of you. I can't imagine me forgiving myself if I hurt anyone. I care too much about all of you to put you in danger. Even though I know that I have already gone to far. I would have left the second I found out you had gotten hurt from Ethan, but Master wouldn't allow it. So I told him that I was going to give myself one more chance, but if it happened again I was going straight to the Magic Council. But until then I would stay in the Guilds basement.

I don't know if the Magic Council will be able to help me. But if they can I will return to the Guild, I'll make sure I do. But if I don't come back, then know things didn't go well.

I hope you can forgive me for any damage I've done, and for leaving as well. And I'm sorry I didn't get to say a proper goodbye.


I stared at the words on the page as I sat down on Lucy's bed. As I stared at the letter, the words started shaking, and I realized that my hand was shaking. There was a noise outside Lucy's door and Gray, Juvia, Erza, Mira, Levy, and Gajeel walked in. I didn't look but I knew they were looking at me.

"Natsu?" Mira said, probably wanting to know if I was okay. I folded the leter up and put it in my pocket. Then I stood up and as I did I grabbed the sling that held my arm to my chest, and ripped it off my shoulder. Then I looked at them and felt my determination grow.

"Lets go get Lucy."

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