Chapter 26

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Hello! And sorry for the long wait! I've been a little busy lately and haven't really been able to write anything for a small while. Even though this chapter is so short, but that's only because I had to cut it down. But know that this chapter should be the second to last! for this fight. Second to last chapter for this fight. I think, I honestly have no idea. But we'll see soon! And I am so excited! You should be too! Kind of, you will be happy at the end of the fight (this I can guarantee!) however when we get to the end, you will probably want to murder me. 😊 Oh well. You'll let me live long enough that I can do what I need to do! And then you'll be happy and it'll all be ok! Anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to ImFairytailTrash! She is a new follower! And I got to admit! I love your username, because so am I! Love you ImFairytailTrash! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody

'I'm leaving the pack.'

Ella thought to all the wolves. And Ethan took a step off of Natsu.

'You what?'

Ethan demanded.

'I said, I'm leaving the pack. I'm not going to let you control me anymore! You lied to me, you told me my father didn't want me so that's why he didn't bother looking for me. But that's not true!'

Ella yelled.

'And what makes you think that?'

Ethan thought somewhat laughing to himself.

'Lucy showed me. After you hit me, she showed me her memory of my father telling her that he missed me. You tricked me into think that he wasn't coming so that I would accept my wolf side.'

Ethan looked over at Lucy and her lips curled up a bit into a smile.

'You took me away from my family.'

Ella thought.

'I'm not going to let take someone else away from theirs, if it's the last thing I do!'

Ella then barked at Ethan and a green Magic circle appeared under him, raising him up into the air just enough that he wouldn't be able to reach the Fairy Tail members. All the wolves ran forwards and towards Ella.

'Run Ella!'

Lucy thought to her, and Ella ran around the room barking every once in a while making a few other wolves fly into the air, making them unable to run after her. Lucy then pulled on the chain until it snapped in half, disappearing after it was broken. And the second the chain snapped Lucy ran at the stage and jumped on the edge and jumped up and over Natsu and the others, tackling Ethan to the ground and they rolled back behind the curtain. And everyone could hear was yelping and whining. But mostly growling and stuff breaking behind the curtain. Then all of a sudden a black wolf was thrown out from behind the large drapes. Ethan landed on his back and rolled onto his feet. He was a bit shaky as his wounds slowly healed. Lucy on the other hand walked out from backstage and was shaking like crazy. And she didn't even have a scratch on her.

'Lucy, you are destroying yourself! You need to choose now! You or me?'

Lucy's other side told her.

'I'm a little busy.'

Lucy told it and turned her attention back to Ethan.

'Let us go, Ethan.'

Lucy demanded.

'And why should I?'

Ethan asked, as all the wolves in his pack regrouped next to him losing their interest with Ella.

'Why can't you? You have plenty of pack members. What is one less?'

'You mean two less.'

Ethan corrected her as he stared at Ella.

'No, only one. Because you never had me.'

Ethan looked back at Lucy with a terrifying look, but Lucy did not look away.

'Give it up little pup. You're at your limit. You can't fight back anymore.'

Ethan said eyeing Lucy's shaky legs and her breathing was increased as well.

'You lose just half a second of concentration and you will be taken over by your other soul.'

Lucy was taken aback on what it was that Ethan had just said.

'What soul?'

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now