Chapter 20

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Hey guys! Oh my god! Its been so long! And I'm sorry. I had no motivation what do ever when it came to writing this book. But you know what? In the time I took to regather my thoughts, I got my motivation working again! Now it's just a matter of getting my electronics back. *Sad face.* Anyway, I will trying uploading as soon as I can. And I just want to thank all you guys for being so patient with me, and I love all of you for that! So moving on, I would like to dedicate this chapter to SakuraiUmi17! She is a new follower! Yay! And love you SakuraiUmi17! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody

Natsu got thrown against the wall, his body creating a crater behind him. Everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild rushed forwards to try and stop Lucy from going to far. But it was too late. Lucy's other side sank its teeth into Natsu's right shoulder, making him yell out in pain. Lucy then threw him to the other side of the room, causing him to land ontop of Gray.

"You idiot, you should have ran!" Gray griped as he got up and helped Natsu to his feet as their guild members who were being thrown all about the room from Lucy kicking them this way and that.

"Enough!" Someone said loudly. Everyone stopped moving and attacking the blonde wolf, as they looked at who had spoken. Freed walked out of the crowd and towards Lucy's wolf form. She turned her head towards the sound of new foot steps and glared at Freed. For a moment Lucy didn't move, but when she did she hurled herself at Freed. He smirked as Lucy made her way towards him, and at the last second when Lucy was close, Freed jumped up and over the top of Lucy, pulling out his sword. He swung it around a couple of times before landing on his feet and Lucy falling to the ground.

"What did you do?" Natsu yelled at Freed as he cradled his right shoulder.

"What do you think?" Freed answered with a question, as he placed his sword back on his hip and Lucy stood up and shakibg her fur. Freed whistled, getting Lucy's attention and she turned her head. Lucy took off towards Freed and he smiled. Once Lucy ran a couple of feet, she ran head first into an invisible wall.

"A Rune Trap." Erza said.

"Exactly." Freed said with a nod. "Laxus." Laxus walked forwards out of the crowd towards Lucy.

"Wait you mean you're just going to elecrocute her and that's it?" Natsu yelled.

"That's exactly it." Laxus said.

"You can't just do that!" Natsu protested.

"Why not?" Laxus asked. "If we let her stay in here awake, she could find some way to get out. And if she's going to continue to continue to be this bitch, she'll just cause more trouble." Natsu went to say something, but it was too late, Laxus had already slammed his palm into the barrier and lightning traveled all the way around the small box that Lucy was in, and once it was fully craddling the trap, bolts of lightning were connecting itself to Lucy's body. Lucy let out a loud painful yelp, and Natsu turned his head away not being able to see his best friend hurt for something that she could not control. Lucy started whining and shaking as she slowly laid on the ground. And her eyes closed. Laxus removed his hand from the trap and the lighting disappeared.

"Well that was interesting." A voice said. Everyone turned to see that the Natives were still in the guild, only now they were back in their human forms.

"You're still here?" Gray griped.

"Yes but we were just about to leave." Ethan said.

"You're not going anywhere!" Natsu said as he lit his left fist on fire, not even going to try and use his right fist.

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now