Chapter 23

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Hello everyone! I'm so sorry that it's so long, I had a lot of things on my mind these last few weeks, that everything is just jumbled together. But hopefully it will start calming down soon, I sure hope so! But I don't have much to say, other than who I am dedicating this chapter to. And the person I would like to dedicate this chapter to is BookwormSid1015! She just recently started reading this story, and let me just say . . . . . I don't think you can tell that she likes it. ;) And I got to say I'm glad she is enjoying it, I hope the rest of you are too. Especially since how close we are to the end! Although I won't tell you how close, but get ready. Since the end, won't actually be the end. So I know you guys have been waiting a while for this chapter, so I'll shut up and let you get to it. Love you BookwormSid1015! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. I was in a cell laying on a stone floor that made me groan as I sat up. The walls were made of stone and it smelled of dried blood.

'This isn't right.'

I tell myself as I try to recollect my thoughts. The last thing I could remember was opening the back door of the Guild and was greeted by a man with a carriage waiting for me. Then once I sat down and he shut the door, and I passed out.

"Well, well, well." A voice says, disturbing my thoughts. I look up to see Ethan walk out of the shadows. "Looks like someone is finally awake. Sleep well?" I gritted my teeth and scrambled to my feet, lunging at him, in anger. Ethan flicked his wrist in my direction and a chain wrapped around my throat and attached to the wall behind me. I clawed at the chain until two more chains wrapped around my wrists and clung to the wall next to my head.

"Where am I?" I ask, in a stern demanding voice.

"Where do you think?" Ethan asked back. "Did I not say that your dream would come true?" I felt my eyes widen as I realized exactly where I was. I was in the Natives Guild. "These you go." Ethan cooed. I stared at him in fear at the thought of my nightmare coming true. But then I realized something, and I relaxed.

"What's with that look?" Ethan asked, probably confused that I was smiling.

"There's only one thing wrong with your plan." I said. "My friends aren't here for you to torture." Ethan looked at me for a few moments, with nothing but a blank expression. Then finally breaking the silence, he laughs.

"Yes, well that might be true. For the moment anyway." Ethan says. "But I assure you, it is going to happen. I'm sure it'll only be a few more hours before their here."

"Quit with the bullshit Ethan." I snap. Being tired of his and everyone else's crap I gathered my bravery. "They're not here, or anywhere near here. They probably just figured out that I'm gone, and they're going straight for the Magic Council. Not here, hell they don't even know where "here" is. So cut the crap, and shut the fuck up." Then there was a tapping noise and Max appeared at the bottom of a staircase that lead upwards.

"Ethan the Fairy Tail Mages were spotted coming from the east. It seems their coming from the mountain trail." She speaks, calmly and coldly. Ethan turns to me and smiles.

"You were saying?" Ethan said and I felt every ounce of bravery that I had leave my body, and was replaced by fear. And Ethan could see it. "You should rest, you're going to need it." Ethan said, as he followed Max up the stairs. "If you don't want your friends to die right away."


POV: Nobody (Focusing on the Natsu & Company)

Natsu and the group were running through the forest, following the path of the claw marks on the trees.

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