Chapter 6

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Hay gurl hay! Or guy. If So then, hay boy hay! So what's up with you guys? I'm good, nothing going on with this boring person! Yeah this one right here, *points at self*. Anyway, I don't have much to say, so I'm just going to cut to the chase. I would like to dedicate this chapter to rocketsmile! She is a new follower! Yay! Anyway, love you rocketsmile! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

We walked into the Guild, and everyone turned to greet us.

"Hey, guys!" Max yelled from the other side of the Guild, and everyone joined in. But we didn't respond to them, or even look at them. All we did was walk over to the bar, and stood in front of Gramps.

"Can I help you children?" Gramps asked.

"Master we have to talk to you." Erza said.

"Is everything okay?" He asked as he stood up on the bar stool.

"Its something we should talk about in private." Gray said.

"Alright, let's go up to my office then." Gramps said and we walked up the stairs and into his office. After we walked in he closed the door and sat down in his chair. "Now what is it that you have to tell me?"

"Well when we were in out job, we had to get rid of a wolf pack." Ezra said. "But when we got there, the wolf pack was attacking the town so we had to fight them."

"Yes it looks like you did." Gramps said as he examined us.

"Well Natsu ran into the woods to get them out of the town, and Lucy followed." Gray said. "And Lucy was attacked in the woods."

"But she looks fine." Gramps said, as he looked at Lucy. Lucy then took a deep breath and undid the belt on my jacket, and opened the front of it. Gramps stared at her as he looked at the amount of blood that covered her body. "Oh." He said.

"Yeah, she-." I started to say, but stopped as I smelt something. I then turned towards the door, and flung it open. Then Gajeel fell on the floor, with Juvia, Mira, and Levy on top of him. "Thought so." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Were you listening to us the whole time?" Erza asked as she started getting angry.

"Why do I smell blood?" Gajeel asked as he got off the ground.

"Lucy!" Mira said as she stared at her. We all looked at Lucy, and saw she still had my jacket undone. I then slammed the door shut as Levy ran up to Lucy.

"Lu, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine I guess." She answered.

"What happend?" Juvia asked.

"It was a wolf attack." Gray answered.

"Also Master, when we got there, and started fighting the wolves. . . . . the wolves, they . . . . ." Lucy started to say, but didn't continue.

"The wolves what?" Gramps asked.

"They were huge, up to eight feet tall." Lucy said.

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now