To Be Continued?

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I know! That ended horrably! And in my opion, a little fucked up! But you know what? It's not over!

And if you have read my other stories, then you should know that I don't like to end stories without a happy ending.

So if you want that happy ending, go and read "Me Again"! It's on my profile, and it is the second story to this series!

I love you guys and I would like to dedicate this entire story to you guys! All the readers!

I have to thank you guys so much, for dealing with my annoying ass. I can't thank you guys enough for being so patient with me and how slow I was getting chapters up.

Again, thank you guys! And I love you all!

I hope I'll be seeing you in the next story!

Fairy Tail: The Beautiful Beast (Book 1 of The Wolf's Tail series)Where stories live. Discover now