Ch.13 -Sky Blossoms

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I didn't want to leave the bed. It was just so soft. The last time I had slept I a bed was......a long time ago. Eventually I groaned and rolled over. My feet landed on the floor with a small thump. I looked up, but my greeting died as I noticed Grimm wasn't there. I was alone in the room. That puzzled me. I guessed my hair was a mess from sleeping, but I didn't mind. I yawned and stretched, then walked out into the hallway. Quiet chatter drifted down the hallway. It sounded like everyone was in the dining area.

I walked down the hall and stairway, and into the dining area. Eragon was at the table, quietly eating something. A "salad" maybe? Saphira and Grimm both were absent. I hadn't even seen Grimm today. Why would he leave like that? He knows I wouldn't like that. I listened a bit more, and heard a voice that wasn't Eragon's. It sounded female, and whoever it was talked in a language I couldn't understand. Eragon replied the same way. After a few minutes the conversation ended. Eragon seemed to have two bowls. I walked over and sat down.

"Eragon, why do you have a bowl of water?"

"I was going to, um, water the plants." He was lying again? Why? Maybe it was another secret.

"I didn't know you had plants."

"Well, the vines outside. Do you wanna help?"

"Sure!" I got up from my chair and went inti the kitchen. Inside a cabinet I found a whole bunch of different wooden eating things, from silverware to a pitcher. I grabbed the pitcher. It would probably make it easier to pour out the water. I crouched down and put the end in the stream. The pitcher filled, and the water was so cold it made the tips of my fingers tingle.

I carefully walked back out, holding the pitcher steady. Still, a little water sloshed over the sides. I set it down and then sat back in the chair next to Eragon.He glanced up.

"Iara, do you know how to read?"


"Do you know your letters?"


"Do you know how to write?"


"Do you know your numbers?"

"Only the ones I can count on my hands and toes."

"So up to twenty?"

"Mhmm." With every confirmation he smiled, which made me happy.

"I'm surprised you know that much."


"Well, when I was first a rider and I had a teacher, I didn't know as much as you. I didn't know how to read. I didn't know my letters either."

"How did you learn to read?"

"My teacher taught me. And that's one less thing we have to teach you."

"Is it good then?"

"Of course it is."

"What are we doing today?"

"Well, after we water the plants I want to see if I can find something for you to read. Maybe teach you a little bit of writing."

"Why do I need to know how to read?"

"I don't think we're always going to stay on this island. If you need to know something and it's on paper, then you'll have to read it."

"Why wouldn't we stay on the island? I like it here."

"Maybe we would go back if we have to help someone." Eragon pushed back his chair and stood. He gently grabbed the bowl. "Come on. I think the plants are thirsty."

"Why do plants get thirsty?" I said as I grabbed the pitcher.

"The same reason you get thirsty."

"Well if plants get thirsty like us, then do they get hungry too?"

"They eat the sunlight." He said as we walked outside. The early morning sunlight was blinding at first, but then my eyes adjusted.

"Do plants sleep too?"

"Now that, I don't know." I looked at the flowers again before we watered them. The petals were still white, but right now the inside was a dark blue.

"Why did the inside change color?"

"Because it was just night time. Next they'll be orange, then yellow, then white. And later they'll be orange, yellow, red and eventually blue again."

"Rainbow flowers?"

"Mhmm. They change color according to what time it is, because at different times the sky is different colors."

"Where did you find them?" I reached out a hand and felt one of the petals. The texture was akin to velvet.

"Me and Saphira made them. They're called Sky Blossoms. I thought they would look nice."

"How did you make them? How do you make a flower?"

"I can show you later. Right now I think they're thirsty."

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