Ch.32 -Lucky Scar

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Soon after, the storm passed. I still felt it, the lightning hadn't left me unharmed. My whole head was throbbing, my ears rang, I felt weak and my heart was going a mile a minute. And my throat felt dry, very dry, extremely dry. As soon as we got back I could probably drink an entire pitcher of water by myself.

I could see the island, far away in the distance. The snow glittered on top of the mountains, whose names I couldn't quite pronounce yet. The beating of three sets of wings was like a lullaby, making me drowsy, but the sound was also the only thing that kept me awake.

Iara, why don't you sleep?

Because I'm afraid I wont wake up.

Why wouldn't you?

Because I feel so jittery.

Well, its only a little farther. Hold on until then and I promise you can go straight to bed.

You swear?

I don't like swearing. I promise though.

You know what I meant!

Of course I did. I feel similar to how you do...I don't know if ill be able to fly again in the next week.

Then how are you still up here instead of in the sea?

Saphira and Virtue are nice enough to lend me a hand....


And then the ground suddenly came up to meet us. We were in the small clearing in front of the castle. The ice that had coated everything was mostly melted. The sky blossoms still wilted. I couldn't wait until spring came again. They would be blooming again. That was one thing to look forward to.

I slid off of Grimm. I would have landed face-first in the snow, but his tail whipped around and gently caught me. He was actually able to wrap his tail around me, and carry me around. I laughed as he swung me from side to side, waiting for someone to open the oaken doors. Eragon stepped forward and opened them, motioning for us to.head inside. I heard Marumen gasp.

"Whoa...this place is huge!"

"I know, right?"

"Iara you live here?" He sounded incredulous.

"Mm hmm. My room is upstairs!" I said proudly. I would be happy to show him around once I had a good night's sleep.

"Grimm, wait." Eragon said. Grimm snorted, and turned his head around, halfway to the stairs.


"Can I check on Iara first?"

Of course. He lowered his tail and set me down lightly. My head spun, so I leaned against the railing. Eragon came over.

"Can I see your hand?" At the thought, it suddenly stung.

"Don't touch it..."

"I wont, I just want to look I promise." I held out my hand. The lamps and the chandelier were still lit, and in the warm light my Gedwey Insignia glittered like snow. Right in the middle of the mark was a small pink blob. Well, not exactly pink, most of the mark was a deeper red or black. The red was what stung, and the black throbbed. Eragon sucked in a breath, and turned my hand a few ways, looking at it.

"I can heal this now, it looks like most of it got cauterized."

"What does that mean?"

"That it burned so the whole thing isn't red like that."

"No, like, how can you fix it?" Eragon sighed and scratched his head, like he was thinking.

"I can heal it, that's all I can say now. Do you want me to? That or we can wrap it up and let it heal on its own if you want."

"Wrap it up."

"It might leave a scar."

"Then it will be my lucky scar!"

"You already have a lucky scar." He motioned to the insignia.

"Fine, my second lucky scar!"

"Alright. I'll be right back." While he went into the kitchen to garb whatever he was going to grab, Marumen gazed around.

"So where is Eragon going?" he asked.

"He went into the kitchen. You can see the dining room over there, and the kitchen is connected. The other side is just room, and up the stairs are the bedrooms."

" i get my own room?"


"Really!?" he nearly shrieked.

"Yes!" He was so excited about something that seemed so simple to me, I was amazed. Then I remembered how much I didn't like sharing with my siblings. Eragon came back soon after, holding a collection of different things. A box. First, was a small mound of wrappings. Then a cloth, and a small cup of cold water. He set them down on the stairs.

"Iara, I'm going to clean your hand up a bit, this might hurt, okay?"


"Are you sure you don't want me to fix it now?"

"I'm positive."

"Alright...can I see your hand please?" I held it out, and he gently took it. It wasn't that painful, but it still stung. He just got the wet rag and wiped away the blood. Then he wrapped it up. Simpler than I thought. He nodded to Grimm, who picked me up again and carried me up the stairs, swinging me from left to right. It felt like waves were rocking me. Exhausted as I was, I began to close my eyes. I remembered faintly hearing Eragon say something to Marumen, and the whoosh of air as Grimm plopped me on the bed. I didn't even have the energy to get under the covers, it felt like I was laying on a cloud.

Goodnight Iara.


When will it be spring time? Grimm hesitated, like he was thinking.

When the spring dragon decides to spread his wings and fly over the island.

I remember mom saying that about the winter dragon..

It's true, isn't it?

What does the spring dragon look like?

He's green. His wings are made of flower petals and he smells like fresh rain. His eyes are rosy red like the dawn, and when he beats his wings it sounds like a thousand breezes in the branches of the same tree.

How do you know all that, Grimm?

I am a dragon, after all.

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