Ch.27 - Iceclaw

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Iara finished talking before I zoned out....the sun was cool looking when you looked at it through the ice. I wiggled my foot a few times to get the snow that had fallen in back outside. My foot was already cold. I didn't know what to do now, and a gap started in the conversation. Iara had gloves too....that gave me an idea..I grabbed a fistful of snow and threw it at Iara. She stood there for a minute, blinking the snow out of her eyes, and then grabbed a fistful and threw it back at me.

That was just how it worked. This snow was sticky. Perfect for snowballs. I turned around and made a small snowball. Then I rolled it all the way back toward camp. It got bigger and bigger. Well, almost all the way. Iara even had to help me, but it got stuck a few dozen feet from everyone else.

"This is gonna be the body." I mumbled.

"The body of what?" asked Iara.

"i'm making a snow dragon."

"Cool! I'll go get the head!" She ran off behind me to get another snowball, while i began to sort of shape the body. I tore off some chunks and generally flattened it, making the two front legs in the process. Iara finally came back with a small-ish snowball and rolled it to the front. She did the same thing i was doing, and soon a shape sort of like a head emerged.

"Ooh ooh I have an idea!" she said. She disappeared behind me and came back with an armful of branches. I had just finished the back legs. I glanced up. Eragon, Murtagh and Arya were sitting down around the ruins of the fire talking quietly. I didn't even know what they were saying, but it was in a weird language that I had no idea of. I shrugged it off and focused on my dragon. Now all i needed was his tail and wings. I had no idea how to do the wings. I instead took two of the big branches, and substituted them as wings.

The tail was merely a lump of snow. The dragon looked good, at least I thought so. Iara was at the front, trying to make it look all perfect. I thought he looked fine just the way he was. Now...what to call him..

"Iara, what should we name him?"

"Snowy!" She said.

"Snowy the dragon?" No way!


"Noo, it sounds too girly!"

"Does not!"

"We have to think of something cool then."

"Fine. How about...."

"Whitewing?" I blurted.

"No, too much w in there."

"Well think of something that's not like fluffy and stuff."

"Umm....Eragon said once he had a horse that was named Snowfire."

"I like it, but it doesn't fit."


"How about Iceclaw ?"

"That's perfect!"

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