Ch.45 -Inheritance

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"So can you explain a bit more about the gems?" I asked, meaning my necklace.

"What don't you understand?"

"Well, it's just I'm confused. Is there a consciousness inside each of the gems? And how is it that they never run out?"

"There is no consciousness, it's just energy. So no, it's not as if there was any pain for the person. In a way, it was a mercy. Plus, it's for the survival of you. Better than death by torture." Angela trailed off, as if her mind was in another place.

"So how is it that they never run out?" I pestered her.

"Patience, I'm getting to that! In truth, the energy is nearly limitless. So don't be going to try and resurrect a body, you can't take the energy willingly."

"If I can't use the energy willingly why is it here?"

"As a sort safe, you could say. In case everything that's supposed to happen doesn't happen right."

"Do you know what's supposed to happen?"

"No. Even if i did, I wouldn't tell you. That would mess everything up."

"Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"Oh, yes, thank you for reminding me. I need to show you how to shift."

"To what?"

"To do what your mother did. Solembum can help, he knows more than I do about the topic."

"You're going to teach me how to shape shift?"

"Of course. It'll make it easier later. You're going to have to, eventually. It's your...inheritance, of sorts. One of the few things left behind by your parents."

"So there are more things?"

"Well first of all you have the right of blood to the throne as the eldest heir, but we don't need a rider to rule over men. You also have the necklaces, and even if you think they don't your younger siblings have them too."

"The same necklace?"

"Not exactly. Same shape, same gems, in the same place. Each of them has nine gems, but the color is different. For example, the color of your rather symbolic cat head is gold. Another might be silver. One probably is. And then copper, osmium, platinum, rhodium, etc."

"All of those are metals..." I said.

"Precious metals."

"How did she even get those?"

"Galbatorix treasury was a entire room filled to the brim with gold and silver, weapons and goblets. Truly an amazing collection. Enough talk, we need to go somewhere where nobody will see us. Some who aren't accustomed to the ability might panic a tad."

"Alright. Lead the way."

"Another thing."


"You're going to have to show your siblings and explain everything. As soon as they awaken. Tell Arya and Murtagh as well."

"I will."

"Come now." She turned off of the path and trudged into the undergrowth. I followed. She made her way with ease, and seemed to know where every bump and root was. After I tripped I barely managed to catch myself. So she warned me if there were any un-obvious dangers.

Eventually we were far enough away so that even if an elf decided to take a run it would be a while, and that was if they knew where we were. The sun was a few hours off from setting, so we had plenty of time.

"Now then. You should probably give me your sword and any sharp objects. Also take off anything that is metal."


"When you shift, you grow. So, metal could get stuck and end up on the inside. Cloth just rips at the seams. For example, your belt buckle might end up somewhere by your kidneys."

"Oh." So, I leaned my sword against a tree, as well as my belt, because of the buckle. Also on advice from Angela I took off my shoes.

"Im going to be over here in case anything goes wrong. Nothing should, the moon isn't out, so you shouldn't have any bloodlust."

"What does the moon have to do with this?"

"Dru, why do you think that your curse only happens during a full moon?"

"I don't know, I thought that maybe it was a once a month thing and happened to fall on the date of the moon."

"No no, nothing like the roses your sisters cultivate. Now then. Listen to Solembum." I looked over at the werecat, who was in the middle of the field, sitting down and facing me.

Dru. You have to focus. This is an inherent ability. Would you prefer I do it with you?

I guess..that way I can do whatever you do.

Alright then. The werecat simmered, like the heat above a fire, and then there was a small boy in his place.

Now then. Imagine yourself on four limbs. You have been in the mind of an animal before?

I have.

Then try again, change your mind. Change how your very thoughts work.

How do I do that? I asked. The notion seemed impossible.

I dont know, kingsblood. Your mother did somehow, and she mastered it. A prodigy among our people.

She was a werecat?

She was a shapeshifter. Somehow of werecat descent, which gave her the ability. And she was on good terms with us. She was kin to us. And now, so are her kits.

Alright...I'm going to try.

When you do, don't panic. Don't run off. And please don't attack me.

I promise I'll try my hardest not to. And so I tried. I imagined myself on four limbs, as I had been when me and Lothlorien had become one. I felt all tingly. I heard a gasp from Angela. A snarl from Solembum. So I opened my eyes. And...I truly saw. Everything brighter and sharper. I looked down at myself, and saw grey fur. I was...I had done it. I was a... I didn't even know. Not a Shrrg, but the feline equivalent.

Well done, kingsblood. Solembum said. He shifted again, and he was around a quarter of my size.

You are smaller than your mother, but this is only your first phase. You will grow in time. Now, you need to learn how to move. Take some steps. It's going to be fun, eventually. I give you my word.

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