Ch.35 -Remembrance

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The first thing I noticed when I woke was that the sun was shining. I opened my eyes wider, and saw that I was alone but for Alice, who was bent over in a chair next to the bed I was in. She seemed to be resting her eyes.

"Alice?" My voice was hoarse,and my throat was sore, like I had a cold or something. She looked up.

"Dru..How are you feeling?"

"Like Loth stepped on me." I replied, referencing that day, a little while ago. Well, depending on how long you gauged a little while to be. Four years, in this case.

"Well, this time he didn't. What happened?"

"I have no clue other than it hurt like hell."

"I bet.."


"I was here with Luke and Mikael when it hit them." As if she knew something.

"So it happened to them too?"'

"Yeah." I managed to get out of bed, and i staggered a bit before righting myself.

"Where are they?"

"Waiting for you with Arya and Murtagh."

"Oh. Why?"

"I'm not sure...I don't know everything, you know."

"Fine." She got out of the chair and led me down the hall a very short ways, and into a room where everyone else was. I didn't know where the dragons were. Not feeling Loth made me feel strange, and it was as if they were hidden. Everyone else was grim faced, and I got the feeling like this was some sort of verdict.

"What?" I asked, as soon as I walked in. Arya was sitting in a single chair, and set before here were several others, and a couch or bench. Luke and Mikael were sitting next to each other. At the sound of my voice, they turned around simultaneously, though Luke was a bit faster than Mikael. I nearly gasped at their appearance.

They appeared worn and haggard. Mikael looked like he had...bitten through his bottom lip? And Luke's face was all bruised up.


"I'm fine now." Mikael said. He didn't look fine, he looked as if he was trying to re-assure both me and himself. My spirits if I hadn't gone through as much as they had. But I wouldn't know for sure. Luna was standing by the door silently, and as soon as I sat down her and Alice silently excused themselves.

"Dru, can you tell me exactly what happened." Arya said quietly. Murtagh was leaning back in his own chair, seeming as if he preferred to watch rather than participate in the discussion that was to follow.

"Um..sure. Though I don't exactly know myself."

"Then maybe your brothers could explain what happened first. If your story is even remotely similar, this is far from coincidence. There were few similarities...but enough to make it prominent."

"Alright.." I trailed of, my gaze traveling right towards their faces. Mikael sighed and leaned forward.

"Well...and by the way forgive me if I forget anything, me and Luna were in the training yard. And then I felt all..tingly, as if my arm had began to fall asleep.."

"Same. You too, Luke?"

"Yeah..that's one thing that happened to all three of us."

"Now then." Mikael said, wanting to continue his story. "After that I sat down, because I felt light headed."

"I was already sitting." I said quietly.

"AND AFTER THAT-" he said, basically hinting he was tired of my interruptions "-It began to hurt. My first thought was that I had accidentally brushed up against a sprig of poison ivy or something..and then it began to burn." he ended the sentence in a low voice, and trailed off, staring at the ground. Luke shifted his weight,and immediately all eyes went to him. He froze at our gaze, then slowly stopped.

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