Ch.68 -Du Silbena Datia

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Whatever had just transpired inside of Iara's head was beyond me, but I knew I had a job to do. With a feral scream the bird flew at us. Atop our dragons we scattered.

It didn't have to go after anyone specific, just whoever was closest. So, Iara. Grimm was a fast flier, maybe the fastest out of all the dragons, but it was impossible even for him to out distance the phoenix.

For those of us watching, we could do nothing as both Grimm and the Phoenix began to go a distance from us.

"After them!" I yelled, and with a roar Saphira began to follow.

True to what Angela had told me all those years ago, a group of dragons flying together sounded akin to even the loudest of thunder.


We drew closer to the phoenix, and Grimm was visible around the other side.


We were drawing closer to the edge of the island, and running out of room to go.


The edge was in front of Grimm, and he had nowhere to go. He couldn't go forward, for there was nothing but ocean. Ocean..

He couldn't go backward, for he would fly into the phoenix. To either side he could be caught by the wings. Below was trees.

But above...above was pure, clear sky.

"Grimm!" I yelled. "Go up! Go!" He glanced at me. But instead of going up..he flew straight at the phoenix.

Crashing into it's chest, flaming feathers went flying before disintegrating. Grimm sunk his teeth into the bird, before hooking his claws into it's sides and flapping his wings and trying to fly.

A chorus of yells arose from the other riders as Grimm sank towards the ground.

Grimm is brilliant.

Saphira what is it?

Just trust me. I have no doubt Iara knows what she's doing.

Saphira began to fly towards the bird, and with a roar she dug her claws in before flying. Together, her and Grimm were able to lift him up.

His legs swung around wildly, and tipped with sharp claws they could do a massive amount of damage, if allowed to hit. His wings flailed around without direction, buffeting us with hot air that dried your lips and made your lungs sting.

And then another dragon was beside us. Lothlorien, his brilliant golden scales made to look like shining metal because of the flame. With a roar he tore a chunk out of a feathery wing, before copying Saphira and Grimm, flying alongside us.

We began to fly up again, three dragons being able to bear the weight, together.

The other dragons drew close as well, biting into the phoenix as we went. Closer to the sea. With a sudden thought I realized what they were doing. and water...

It seemed the phoenix realized as well, because he began to fight with a ferocity unlike any other I had ever seen.


Until he kicked off Grimm. Until he bit Saphira so she had to let go. And until Dru was knocked off of Lothlorien. The remaining dragons attempted to do the same thing we had, but he was too fast.

With a start I realized what I had to do. We were above the ocean, barely off of the island, but still the sparkling waters were below.


Eragon! No!

Catch me! I yelled, before jumping off, sword drawn. The Phoenix was below me. I heard a scream and looked up to see Iara reach towards me.

I flipped back around and looked at him. He screeched and opened his mouth as he saw me falling. Saphira roared and I felt her behind me, trying to grab ahold of me before I reached him.

But my timing was perfect. I held out my sword, and as I collided with the phoenix, my sword was buried in his chest. I still had my hand on the hilt, but I ripped it out and stabbed again.

The wound slowed him, and we began to plummet towards the sea.

I pushed off of him, and went flying up into the air. Saphira was still high above. But Iara wasn't.

She had jumped off of Grimm, and joined me in the fall. Before we hit the water she went under me and broke my fall.

She...saved me?

I would have hit the water and broken nearly every bone in my body. She had yelled a spell seconds before we hit the water, so she was okay.

The water was still a shock, cold as it was. Iara was below me, so I pulled her to the surface.

The phoenix was far below us, sinking into the deep water.

It's's finally done...we did it..

Iara sputtered out water and clung to me like I was her lifeline.

I looked down again, at the phoenix.

He was barely glowing anymore, his fire extinguished, and what made him up dissipating in the water. Eventually he was dark, his remains gone.

"E-E-Eragon.." Iara said. She was shivering, and she had her arms wrapped around my chest. "C-Can we please get to shore?"

"Of course." I noticed I was shivering now, too. The water was freezing, as if winter was almost upon us.

I raised an arm and waved at everyone. Saphira dipped down and picked us out of the water. sword! I thought. With a spell it rose out of the water and into my hand.

There we go..

Eragon. Saphira said.

What is it?

That was extremely stupid...but brave.

Hey, at least it worked. We did it...It's over.

Iara was in the saddle in front of me, shivering in her cold clothes.

"It's over." She said.

"It is.."

Flying back towards the island, there were dragons in the sky.

Red, orange, purple, blue, green, gold, black, and white. All the colors of the rainbow, hides glowing like gems in the light of the setting sun.

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