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Dearest Penelope,

I just realized something dreadfully awful: I have a crush on Harry.

It dawned on me this morning when I woke up and saw Harry cuddling with me. He hadn't done that since we last slept with each other and when I woke up and saw that, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach.

That was when I realized I liked him. I only ever get butterflies if I'm nervous or if I have a crush and I can assure you that I'm not nervous around Harry.

I called Eleanor as soon as I could so I could talk to her about this. She told me to come over and I gladly did so. I told Harry that I was going to be gone for a couple of hours and though he said he was fine with it, he had this edge to his voice like he wanted me to stay or something.

Eleanor immediately greeted me with a big smile and a book (this week I'm reading Divergent. I'm really excited for this because I've heard lots of good things about this book). I was escorted to the living room where we could talk in privacy. Once she assured me that Louis wasn't there I spilled my guts out to her. I told her that I realized that I had feelings for Harry, real feelings this time. And though I know I wasn't supposed to tell anybody I mentioned that we had had sex... again.

El was very nice and didn't judge me (she did give me a mini lesson about safe sex though). She helped me through my problems and gave me some nice advice. She said that I probably should avoid any flirting of any sort and just try to move past this. It's most likely just a measly crush and if I forget about hopefully it'll go away.

I really do hope Eleanor is write, I don't want anymore awkward in our friendship.

Take Care,

Niall xxx

P.S. Did you notice how I said "write" instead of "right"? Haha I'm so punny :P


A/N Happy Valentines Day! I'm debating over if I want to update again tonight. Well as an update on my life, silly Olivia almost killed herself last night! I was actually going to do it but luckily my friend went and convinced me not to. So yeah, I'm still alive! Ok, so I finally got 100 followers! Celebrating that, my ugly face is going to be my profile pic for the next week or so. Also, I'm working on a new story! I'll have it up soon, hopefully, but for now I'll just put the trailer to it on the side (lies, I just posted the first part. It's called "Five" and you should check it out and stuff).  TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR THE CONTEST SO GET YOUR FUCKING ENTRIES OUT!!! Today I'm dedicating this to Nicockla because she votes for every chapter and has been reading this for a while. Don't think these things go unnoticed!

Next Posting Date: February 21st

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