Chapter 4 | Thank you Doctor

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The Doctor's P.O.V

I kneel down.
"Your names Eleven?" I ask her.
She nods.
I run off to get some clothes for her to change into quickly before running back and saying,
"Can you speak?"
She looked down, almost ashamed.
I put my hand on her shoulder and pull her in for a hug.
"I'm so sorry", I say  "There is significant evil in your world but also a lot of good, I chose to look at the good and I'm sure you would too if you had encountered it."
"Hey" I add "How about I show you what you've been missing?"
She looks at me inquisitively with tears brimming her eyes.
"As I said before my name is the Doctor and I'm a time lord, that means I can go anywhere in time and space and I can take you."
"You can go anywhere!" I exclaimed standing up and throwing my hands into the air.
She flashed a small smile at me.
"So where do you want to go?" I said.

Eleven's P.O.V

I decided that I could trust this man. He seemed strange but in a good way and this place is amazing. Its like nothing I've ever seen before, but I guess I have been stuck in that building for most of my life so I haven't seen much.
"So where do you want to go?" He asked me.
"Everywhere" I said.
I have the chance to explore everything, all that I have missed in my time at that place and to get away from... my Papa. But I can't run and leave him behind. Yes it might have been awful there but he is my family. I can't just leave him behind.
Once again tears threaten to fall from my eyes.
Seeing this, the strange man hugged me for the second time in my life, he wrapped his arms around me and whispered,
"Shh it's okay you're safe now".
It is oddly comforting.
I rest my head on his shoulder and cry, letting the hot tears run down my face and blur my vision.
After a few minutes of this, I realise something. Why should I go back there? It's obvious me and my Papa are never going to have a functioning relationship and this man is offering something he never offered me. Freedom and love.
I've made my decision.
Wiping my Tears, I look up at him, into his piercing green eyes.
I whisper "Show me the world".
A grin starts to grow on his face.
"Well then, no time to lose!" He shouts running to a peculiar looking console in the middle of the room.
I run not far behind, laughing at his childish attitude.
Laughing for the first time in years.
He runs around the console flicking levers and pushing buttons.
"GERONIMO!" He screams.
Suddenly the room started to shake and I hear a futuristic noise coming from the middle of a console.
I look at it and see something moving inside a tube making the noise.
I start to panic.
What's happening? What is that?
I get thrown around many times before,
"CRASH" it stops.
I look over to the Doctor, who is holding onto the railing. That might have been a good idea.
"Oh blimey, my head's a bit. Ooo. Er, no right" he says dazedly and struggling to walk towards me.
He eventually gets over to me and helps me up.
"Sorry she can be a bit bumpy," he apologises quickly before running over to the doors and flinging them open.
"Here we are!" He exclaimed
I slowly walked over unsure of what to expect.
Then I see it. Hundreds of planets and thousands of stars so close I could reach out and touch them.
"Where are we?" I ask timidly
"Where are we? Yes where are we? Very good question. We are at the edge of your galaxy," He says remarkably fast in one breath with a massive grin at the end.
I look out onto the breathtaking scene and all I can say is it's beautiful, the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
"Our galaxy? There're others?" I ask in bewilderment.
"Well yes" He begins "There's the Acteon Galaxy, I didn't like it there,
the Isop Galaxy, very old, Seriphia Galaxy, neighbouring my home, the Silfrax Galaxy, the vespiforms live in hives there, The Wrarth Galaxy, home to the Meeps, The Aktren Galaxy and well you get the point".
"Wait, your home?" I asked.
"Yes, my home world, Gallifrey".
"So, you're an alien?"
"Yep, through and through" He says spinning on the spot and flicking his coat out behind him.
"You don't look like an alien," Narrowing my eyes suspiciously.
"Yeah, I guess I don't, but if you listen to my heartbeat, you might find something a little bit different"
I press my ear to his chest.
I hear a steady heartbeat,
Ba- dum, Ba dum, Ba dum.
But then I hear something else, It's another heartbeat!
Ba- dum, Ba dum, Ba dum,
Ba- dum, Ba dum, Ba dum.
I look at him, my jaw reaching my chest.
"You have two hearts! Wow, that'".
He blushed and looked away.
"What does it feel like?"
"Well, what does your heart feel like?"
"I don't know, I can't feel it" I say with confusion.
"Exactly, mine feels the same"
"Oh, how did you know you had two hearts then, if you can't feel it?"
"I was bought up with that taught to me, just like someone taught you that you had one heart".
"Oh, right".
We both giggled.
"Tell me about your home world", I said smiling deviously.
"It's the Shining World of the Seven Systems, the sky's a bright orange, with a citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome, shining under the twin suns, beyond that the mountains go on forever, slopes of deep red grass, capped with snow"
"Sounds beautiful".
"It was" He said with admiration in his voice almost in a trance.
He suddenly snapped out of it and stood up.
He clapped his hands "Right so, now that you can talk, where do you want to go? All of time and space, anywhere and everywhere, every star that ever was, where do you want to start?"
I run up to him and hug him. I couldn't express enough the gratitude I had for this man.
"Thank you Doctor".


Thanks for reading, they're really forming a bond aren't they, woo!
It was very fun making up some galaxies and I think Eleven might now be the Doctor's new partner! 😉
Will they settle down?
Will they move into a 3 bedroom house and start doing Sunday roast dinners? Probably not
Trouble follows them
Lets see what next 😜👌🏻
Ella x

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