Chapter 17 | Empty

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They draped a towel around me as I sat on a bench, leaning on Mike's shoulders.
He quickly got up and headed for the door, my head slipped and my eyes slowly flickered open, weary from my journey to the upside down.
The door slammed shut as Mike explored outside.
I shivered from a breeze advancing quickly from the door, the cool evening air seeping into my bones as I sat in a drenched dress that was sticking to my skin.
I heard him faintly shout.
"Nancy? Jonathan?"
He speed-walked towards us, something is wrong.
'"They're gone" he said, throwing his arms into the air.
"What?" Lucas exclaimed.
"Nancy and Jonathan, his cars gone" Shouted Mike.
"They're probably just sucking face somewhere" said Dustin mindfully.
"Gross, no way!" Mike said disgusted.
"Did they go with the chief?"
"I don't know!"
"No" I said, speaking for the first time since exiting the upside down.
"What? Did you see them? Do you know where they are?" Mike blurted out quickly.
"Yes" I said purposely slowly, I sniker in my head.
Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing, this isn't a joke.
It's just so fun to mess with people some times, you know?
Sorry... Sorry!
"Where? Where did they go?!" he asserted somewhat exasperatedly.
"They went where the Demogorgen lives, the upside down" I whispered, the laughter in my head now floated away.

Joyce's POV (Will's Mum)

I see my son and the sheriff talking. I edge closer to see what their talking about.
"It's where he likes to hide" said Jonathon
What? Will?
The sheriff is leaving. If he knows something about Will I have to follow him!
"Excuse me! Hey! Stop! Please!"
I'm full on sprinting now.
Hey spins around and puts his hand out to stop me.
"Hey! Get back inside!"
"No! Are you going to find Will?" I shouted
"Yes, but..."
"Are you insane?" I screeched at him
"No, I'm.. look if something happens to me, if I don't make it back" He starts.
"Yeah, then I'll go, you stay!" I yell.
"Are you kidding me?"
"He's my son! My..SON! I'm going" I screamed defiantly.
If he thinks he can just waltz off and look for Will, without me! He is very much mistaken!
I turned to Jonathon.
"Now, listen" I said, my voice cracking.
"I need you to stay here...".
"No!" he cried.
"... and watch over the kids".
"No mum, I can help!" he said pleadingly.
"Please, I need you to stay, Jonathan".
This was too dangerous for him, I can't lose two sons.
"Joyce! Joyce come on!" The sheriff shouted at me from the car.
I hugged him quickly but put all of my emotions into the short hug.
Sadness.. anger... worry.
"Please be careful" Jonathan said, concern written all over his face.
"I'm gonna find him and.. and.. I'm gonna bring him home.. okay? I promise!"
I clambered into the car, just shutting the door before the Sheriff went, leaving Jonathan standing, concern written all over his face.

Time Skip

We were being escorted through the seemingly endless plain white corridors by men in uniforms and one man in a plain white lab coat.
What is going on here? What is this place?
They lead us into a square white room, what a surprise, with radiation suites hanging immaculately in one corner.
"What is this?" Inquires the sheriff emotion stripped from his voice.
"Protection, the atmosphere is toxic" says the man in a plain white lab coat.
"B...But my son's in there.. he.." I stutter out before,
"Just put it on" The sheriff says, in the same robotic voice.
They give me a torch and told us we have 4 hours to rescue Will or we're dead too.
We enter a pitch-black room with the occasional flickering light but mainly, only our torchlight, reflecting off the hard stone floor.
Clouds of something thicker than dust hang dangerously in the air, like ash falling after a war and green vines accompanied by a sticky substance encase the room, making it seem smaller and darker.
We reach a massive cluster of vines and in the middle was a region, glowing orange, shimmering and beating like a heart, it was roughly the size of an average human. This must be the portal.
We step through the hole of what seems jelly like and vines grow behind us, trapping us in.
What we see on the other side is not unfamiliar. It is the forest by my house, but dark, so dark and somehow it looks different, like something is waiting, lurking, behind each tree and the ash like substance is falling, clouding my vision.
I start to feel dizzy. Very dizzy as I remember growing up here.
All those great memories.
"Hey! Breathe in, breathe out, okay?"
His voice echoes, despite having nothing to bounce against.
I couldn't even think of talking so I manage to nod my head even though I know he can't see it.
"Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out".
I think maybe he is doing this more to comfort himself than me.
"You okay?" He asks, tentatively.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay" I reply lying through my teeth.
We trudge through the forest. The trees empty of leaves and the sky empty of stars.


What is the Demogorgen?
I sincerely hope they don't run into it. 😬
Also I don't know about you but does going into this place seem like a good idea?
They need to rescue Will! So I guess it's okay...
Anyway sorry this took so long haha *oops*. But here's the next chapter hope you enjoyed it!
Ella X

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