Chapter 13 | Check

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Eleven's P.O.V

I sat there for what felt like hours. Thoughts churning in my head.
Then clattering from downstairs brought me back to reality. I heard footsteps come up the stairs, then the knob on the door slowly unlock and I see Mike's face peer round the door.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
I guess I still have doubts in my mind whether that could have been someone else. I got up to follow him out of the dimly lit room.
"Do you want anything to drink" He asked kindly.
"We have OJ, skim milk, what else?"
I heard him mumbling, trying to remember something as I wondered into another room.
"Oh, this is my living room, It's mostly just a for watching TV"
"Nice right? It's a 22 inch" he said with pride.
"That's like ten times bigger than Dustin's" He boasted, smirking.
I walk over to the fireplace, carefully stepping up to look at the photographs.
"Pretty" I said mostly to myself.
"I guess, that's my sister Nancy and that's baby holly and those are my parents" he said as I moved from one photo to the next.
"What are your parents like?"
"Do they live close?"
I feel like I visibly shook but I don't think he noticed so I didn't answer, simply moved onto the next item in the room, a chair.
"That's our la-z-boy".
"It's where my dad sleeps, You can try it if you want".
"Yeah it's fun".
I gingerly sat down and looked at him with caution.
"Just trust me okay?"
I nodded and turned my head to look forward and gripped the sides as Mike pulled something open and the chair unfolded leaving me laying down. I smiled slowly and laughed.
Boy it felt good to laugh again.
As you can imagine, things carried on like this for the rest of the day until we came to his room and I saw a picture of Mike, Dustin, Lucas and another boy I hadn't seen before but for some reason I felt connected to him, like I knew him.
I have to tell Mike.

The Doctor's P.O.V

My search for Eleven continued through the day and night. I began to feel as if I had lost her forever.
Maybe I had lost her. Maybe she had been captured again.
No! She's too smart for that. I will keep searching. She's my responsibility now.
I decided to go into the town not far from the forest where I saw her last and ask around.
No that's stupid she wouldn't let anyone know she was there and if she did they definitely wouldn't tell me.
Where would she go?
I'm not one for breaking into people's houses but that seems like the only option here.
Um where would she go? Where would she go?
She could have been captured again! Ugh I dread to think, I really really hope she hasn't been but if there is a small chance that could have happened I should check there first.


Thank you so much for 200 reads, I never thought I'd get here so thank you, that's incredible! 200 people, ahhhhhhhh!!!!
Mike and Eleven are bonding more and more huh?
I don't know how the Doctor is going to find her!
I guess we'll see.
Ella X

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