Chapter 15 | No

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The Doctor's P.O.V

I guess I only have one option left. I have to track her using the Tardis' energy signature that's still with her, although it will be taxing on her and the Tardis.
But I have to find her.
So I traced any other Tardis energy signatures in the area and a small source about 2 miles away came up.
Time to go.
"NOO," I shouted out loud.
The Tardis didn't have enough power after the tracking.
I have to walk, damn it. It will take longer than I would have wished knowing me and I don't know whether she's okay or not. I have to hurry.

Eleven's P.O.V

My eyes flicker open. I am standing in nowhere. An empty space where the only thing I can see is myself reflected in the jet- black water. I gingerly step forward, my heavy breathing and the slight splash of my steps loud against the stillness in the air. I see something not black, a body. It's Mike's sisters friend Barbara.
"Barb... Barbara?" I whisper even though I know there's no point, she won't answer me.
My breathing gets heavier as I edge towards her.
I whimper at the site.
Her body is pale and lifeless. Different colour bruises littering her body. Bones sticking out as I realise something had "eaten" her.
A colourless goo stretched out over her, eating away at what was left of her skin and leaking out of her ears and mouth. Bile leaked into my throat as I witnessed a creature resembling a slug but somehow more slimy and revolting  slithering out of her mouth.
I scream as I hear the voice echoing in my head.
"Is barb okay? Is she okay?"
"GOONNEE GONE GOOONE" I scream as I pull on my shaved hair.
"Don't be afraid, I'm right here with you, you're okay" I hear reassuringly.
I close my eyes as a few tears slip down my cheeks.
When I open them again I can see the fort Will would go too whenever he was scared.
"Castle Byers" I hear myself say.


The door closed behind Dustin and Lucas as I sat on the bed, my legs crossed.
"Are you out of your mind?" Lucas shouted.
"Just listen to me" stated Mike defensively.
"You are out of your mind".
"She knows about Will".
"What do you mean she knows about Will?" Dustin interjected.
Mike picked up the picture of the four boys that I pointed at and showed it to Lucas and Dustin.
"She pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing, I could tell" Mike debated.
"You could tell?" questioned Lucas.
"Just think about it, do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood, the same place where Will disappeared?"
"That is weird".
"I think she knows what happened to him".
"Then why doesn't she tell us," Lucas said while crossing his arms and looking at me.
He walked over to me, a determined and slightly frightening look on his face.
"Do you know where he is?" He said raising his voice slightly, not enough to be shouting but enough so you knew he was angry.
Then he started shouting.
"Do you know where he is?" He shouted while clutching my shoulders angrily.
I looked at him with fear that in my eyes.
"Stop it you're scaring her!" Mike shouted.
"She should be scared" Lucas said while turning his head to look at Mike.
"If you know where he is, tell us".
Tears are pooling in my eyes as I look up at him.
"This is nuts, we have to take her to your mum".
"No, Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger".
"What kind of danger?" Dustin said sounding slightly scared.
"Her name is Eleven?" Lucas said in exasperation.
"El for short".
"What kind of danger mike?". Dustin repeated, his voice louder this time.
"Danger, Danger"
He raised his arm and curled his last two fingers into his palm, making a gun shape, he pointed it at Dustin and then Lucas, as I had done to him the previous night.
Lucas slapped his hand away.
"No, No, No".
"We're going back to plan A, we're telling your mum".
Lucas ran to the door and pulled the knob to open it.
No! If he tells Mike's parents, there is still a chance what's left of my Papa's men, could find me before the Doctor does and then, I don't know what I'll do.
So I started the electricity that was, temporarily, hidden inside my body and sparks flew behind my eyes.
The door slammed, making the whole room jolt, before Lucas could exit the room.
He tried again to open the door but I slammed it harder, feeling the power run through my veins as several toys fell from their places on draws or tables.
I turned the lock so he couldn't try again.
They all turned to look at me cautiously.
Blood ran from my nose as I stated the word quietly but with confidence.


Eleven's being badass dammnnn
Where was she? It didn't sound too good.
Will Lucas and Dustin ever warm up to her?
We'll see.
Sooorrrryyyy it's been so long but I (hopefully) will be uploading a lot from now so yeah, bye. :)
Ella X

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