Chapter 18 | What just happened?

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We keep trudging on, my feet almost sinking into the ground. We hear roars echoing making it all the more frightening in the impenetrable darkness. 
I finally see something different, a small dilapidated building, but then I read the sign.

Castle Byers

"WILL!," I rushed in.
No he isn't here! This is where they said he would be. If he isn't here where is he?!
My own heavy breathing encircles me, and my thoughts cloud my brain.
I go through the archway that would have been the door and tread on what used to be Castle Byers, but there is barely anything to even suggest that something was here and there is definitely no Will. By the state of the fort, there is only one assumption.
I can feel my legs crumble beneath me and the sheriff's voice becoming distorted as he calls out for me.
But I can't give up here! He's still out there.. somewhere, waiting for me.
I manage to put myself back together and after I take a few minutes to recover, we head off again.
"Is that my house?" I question my voice croaking with fear.
Vines and cobwebs make my house look almost unrecognisable.
As we entered the house, the door made a recognisable creak, one that I had been meaning to fix for years but, I never got round to it.
I could feel my hair stick to my forehead and my throat go dry. I don't know whether this was from the slowly decreasing oxygen or my tenuous hold on my emotions at this point.
The sheriff points out a bear trap on the floor, drenched in a foul substance and burned to cinders.
"It was hurt" he said melancholy
He turns to face me and starts following the trail of burning.
All of a sudden Jonathan's voice rang out from the darkness.
"Mum? Is that you?"
"Jonathon?" I whisper weakly as Hopper makes an attempt to hurry me along, definitely a weak one, if that.

Eleven's P.O.V

"OKAY!" Mike shouted back.
"Sorry, are you feeling any better?"
I sighed and looked down.
I just don't really want to talk about it, not with Mike or with anyone. It was the worst experience of my life. Even worse than my upbringing with my Papa. Even worse... Anyway,
"What's "putting"?" I asked with bewilderment.
He nodded his head understandably.
It's one of the things I love about Mike, no matter how silly my questions are, no matter how little I know about this world, he takes me seriously and I love him for that.
"Pudding, its this chocolate goo you eat with a spoon".
Ugh, goo that sounds disgusting, I mean the chocolate part, not so much but mixed with goo. No. Just no.
"Don't worry, when all this is over, you won't have to keep eating junk food and leftovers like a dog anymore, my mum, she's a pretty good cook, she can make you whatever you like".
I know what I want, eggos. I swear that are the nicest things ever, I could live off them for the rest of my life.
"Well yeah Eggos, but real food too".
"See I was thinking, once this is all over, Will's back and you're not a secret anymore, my parents can get you an actual bed for the basement or you can take my room if you want, since I'm down there all the time anyways, my point is they'll take care of you, they'll be like your new family, and Nancy, she'll be like your new sister".
"Will you be like my brother?"
I'd like to have Mike as my brother, I think that would be perfect.
"What? No, no".
"Why no?".
"Because, cause it's different".
Why would it be different for me? Does he not want me as his sister?
"I mean, I don't know, I guess it's not".
"It's stupid".
"Mike?" I questioned.
"Friends don't lie" I said stubbornly, he was going to tell me.
"Well, uh, I was thinking, I don't know, uh, maybe we can go to the snow ball together?"
"Snow ball?".
What is a snow ball? If it is what I think it is, how do you go to it, do you gather around a ball of snow?
"It's this cheesy school dance where you go to the gym and dance to music and stuff"
Oh... that makes more sense
"I've never been but I know your not meant to go with your sister".
"I mean you can but I'd be really weird, you go to school dances with someone that, you know, someone that you.. like".
"A friend?".
"Not a friend".
Well if it's not a friend and it's not a sister or a brother what could it be?
"Uhh....uh.....uh... someone like...uh..".
Suddenly his eyes locked with mine, balancing on the table with his hand and he quickly pushing himself against my lips.
A quietness quickly arrived as his lips pressed on mine, time slowed down. But once the quietness arrived, it wrapped itself around me, lulling me with the combined rhythm of our heartbeats.
When he finally pulls away, everything is still oddly quiet, like the moment of silence between lightening and thunder.
All thoughts at that moment were stripped away from me, so I could only stare at him in astoundment as he gets up.
"Nancy, hold on I'll be right back" he said running away from me.
Wait, what just happened?


Oooooohhhhhh they kissed, I knew so,etching was gonna happen between them. Ahhhhh. So cute.
Mike is honestly so cute though
But Will, ugh he's still stuck there! Poor Will
Sorry it took so long but I will try to update more often! I promise!
I had a bit of writers block oops
I hope you all have a nice day or night :)
Until next time...
Ella X

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